Power and Justice

The department's focus in this area examines social inequality along multiple dimensions including race, ethnicity, immigration status, sexuality, gender, class and other dimensions. Faculty in the area also look at social institutions, social processes and social practices. They analyze crime, policing surveillance, social movements, resistance as well as studies of citizenship and identity, education and social inequality, the relationship between economic inequality and political attitudes in cross-national perspective, policing and terrorism studies, and income inequality and crime across nations. Key to this area is the study of processes that are shaped by power.

Research Stories

SSHRC Insight Grant DIY: Digital Safety

Digitally Informed Youth (DIY): Digital Safety is a 5-year project that aims to empower young people and provide them with tailored resources so they can have safe and enjoyable interactions online and offline.

View Kaitlynn Mendes' Project

SHHRC Insight Grant (PI), “Gender Inequality in Retirement: Understanding Social Organization in Domestic Tasks” 2023

The project aims to bridge the gap in theoretical knowledge regarding the persistence of gendered patterns in domestic work among retired Canadians in opposite-sex couples.

View Mila Kolpashnikova's Project

Faculty experts in Power and Justice