Frequently Asked Questions

Course Registration

How can I prepare for Summer course registration? 

How can I prepare for Fall/Winter course registration? 

  • Review the information available on the Sociology Course Enrollment PowerPoint.
  • Attend a drop-in Information Session hosted by the Sociology Undergraduate Coordinator to ask questions about course enrollment. Sessions are available:
    • Wednesday July 3rd 2024 at 2:00-3:00pm on Zoom
    • Monday July 15th 2024 at 11:00am-12:00pm on Zoom
    • Monday July 22nd 2024 at 10:00am-11:00am on Zoom.

How does course Add/Drop work and when is it?

When can I enrol in courses?

  • The Registrar's office assigns registration appointment times for all students based on Intent to Register. Your appointment is the first time that you are allowed access to online course registration. Students are encouraged to register in courses at the start of their enrollment appointment as courses can fill quickly. Login to Student Center and select "Open Enrolment Dates" to find your enrolment date. Registration appointments begin early July, and start with 4th year students, then 3rd year, and finally 2nd year. The Academic Calendar outlines the start and end dates for course registration. 

I am completing my 1st year Sociology course requirement this summer. Can I declare a module and register in courses?

  • You cannot declare a module until you've successfully completed the prerequisite. Once your final grade is available, contact your home faculty's academic counselling office to change your program or wait until the next Intent to Register date.
  • As of mid-July, you will be able to register for most sociology courses because the registration system will see that you're currently taking the prerequisite.

What is a special permission?

  • A special permission is used by a student when they need to receive approval from their home faculty for something that would not be allowed under usual circumstances. An example is when a student wants to take a course without the stated prerequisite(s). Contact to discuss special permission requests. During busy enrolment periods, special permission requests may take up to 5-10 business days to be processed. If your special permission request is approved, you will be provided with instructions on how to enrol in the course. 

If a course is full, can I get on a waitlist?

  • Waitlists are used for all courses above the 1000-level. If you wish to register in a class and the course is full, you can add yourself to the waitlist to be notified if space becomes available. This is never a guarantee, so make a backup plan in case you are not offered a spot in the class. Further information on waitlists can be found on the Registrar's Register in Courses page.

If a course is full, can I get special permission to enter the class?

  • No, the Sociology Department will not allow enrollment above the course capacity. Please continue to check online for availability during Online Course Registration.

A course I need for my module isn't offered this year. What should I do?

I've tried registering, but it won't work. Why?

  • If you did not complete Intent to Register, you won't be assigned an appointment date and will be unable to register. Please contact your home faculty's Academic Counselling office.
  • Please review the course prerequisites and constraints to determine if you are eligible to enrol. Your enrolment appointment, module or year of study may limit your eligibility to enrol in some courses.

How do I register for an extra course?

  •  You need special permission from your home faculty’s Academic Counselling Office for a course overload. For Social Science students, please review the course overload eligibility requirements and submit a request through the Help Portal.

Can I take a course at one of the affiliate colleges (Brescia, Huron, King's)?

  •  Students enrolled in modules in the Department of Sociology on main campus must take all 2000-level and above courses for the module on main campus. Sociology courses taken at an Affiliate college can only be used as electives and not toward the fulfillment of module requirements. Transfer students must contact for additional information.

Can I take courses at another University?

  • Students interested in taking a course at another University should first contact their home faculty Academic Counselling office to inquire about a Letter of Permission. Sociology courses taken as part of a Letter of Permission must be approved by the Sociology Department to determine equivalency. Social Science students should review the information available on the Social Science Academic Counselling website for further information regarding eligibility and procedure. Do not pay tuition or arrange travel/accommodations until your Letter of Permission has been approved by Western University.

What is an Independent Study/Reading Course?

  • Students in years 3 or above in the Honours Specialization module are eligible to complete Independent Study courses (Soc 3398F/G, 3399F/G, 4498F/G, 4499F/G), which provides the student with an opportunity to (a) explore in more depth or detail an area which a student has encountered in a previous course or (b) explore an area which is not part of the curriculum in sociology. More information is available here.


I plan on pursuing a Masters degree or Law school after graduation. What module should I choose?

  • Students who intend on pursuing a graduate degree should choose the Honours Specialization in Sociology. This module offers the most access to upper level courses where advanced methods, writing, communication, and research skills are taught.

My module requires Soc 2205A/B "Statistics for Sociology", but I have already taken a statistics course that is an anti-requisite. What now?

  • If you have taken a statistics course that is anti-requisite to SOC 2205A/B, then you will substitute the statistics requirement by taking another 0.5 credit Sociology course at the senior level (2000+ level).

My module requires Soc 2206A/B "Research Methods for Sociology", but I have already taken a research methods course that is an anti-requisite. What now?

  • If you have taken a research methods course that is anti-requisite to SOC 2206A/B, then you will substitute the research methods requirement by taking another 0.5 credit Sociology course at the senior level (2000+ level).

I am enrolled in two Sociology department modules, both of which require SOC 2205A/B and SOC 2206A/B. How do I deal with this overlap?

  • Students are required to take both Soc 2205A/B and 2206A/B. These courses will count toward both module requirements. This is the only overlap approved by the Sociology Department. It applies only to module combinations including the Honours specialization and Majors, not the minor modules.

Can I double count a course within a Sociology/Criminology module or combination of modules?

  • Students are required to complete the module requirements with different courses. An Honours Specialization and Specialization consists of 9.0 different credits, the Major consists of 6.0 different credits and a minor consists of 4.0 different credits. Double counting is not permitted within the module. A course can only be used to fulfill one module requirement. More information is available on the module checklists.
  • Students who combine modules (ex: Major + Minor,  Double Major etc) between two departments also cannot double count courses. If a course is used toward one module, it cannot be used toward another to complete module requirements. For example: Psychology 2032B can be used toward the Criminology Major OR Psychology Major, but not toward both modules.
  • The only double counting or overlap permitted is in regards to Soc 2205A/B and 2206A/B when combining two modules within the Sociology department (ex: Sociology + Criminology Double Major). More information is available on the module checklist

What Theory course(s) do I need to complete?

  • Students who are following the 2022 module requirements are required to complete 0.5 credits of theory. Students who are following the 2021 module requirements are required to complete 1.0 credits of theory. The Sociology Department no longer offers Sociology 2240E, Sociology 2270A/B or Sociology 2271A/B. Only Sociology 2263A/B will be offered as the theory course starting Summer 2022. Students following the 2021 module requirements may need to substitute part of the requirement. Please review the steps on the module checklist for more information. Students who have completed a former theory course (Soc 2240E, 2270A/B, 2271A/B) should NOT take Sociology 2263A/B. These courses are anti-requisite.

What is happening with the Criminology Major?

  • The Criminology Major will be discontinued effective September 2025. Students enrolled in the Criminology major prior to September 2025 will be permitted to complete the module requirements and graduate with the degree. For more information, please review the Criminology FAQ document.

Intent to Register

What is Intent to Register (ITR)? 

  • Intent to Register (ITR) is the opportunity for students to notify Western of their preferred module. ITR is available on Student Center each year during the month of March.
  • To learn more about ITR, please review the Intent to Register How-to guide.
  • A Step-By-Step guide to submit an ITR on student centre is available.
  • Attend an ITR Information session hosted by Social Science Academic Counselling.

What grades do I need for admission into a Sociology Department module? 

  • Minimum 60% in 1.0 1000-level Sociology course(s) to enter the Minor, Major or Specialization.
  • Minimum 70% average in 3.0 principal courses. Principal courses include 1.0 1000-level Sociology course(s) and 2.0 additional 1000-level courses. Individual grades in principal courses must be 60% or higher with no failures in order to enter and progress in the Honours Specialization and Honours Double Major.
  • For more information on module requirements, please visit the Academic Calendar


Where can I find a copy of a course outline from a previous year? 

  • Course Outlines from the past couple years can be found here.

Where can I find resources for incoming first yeart students? 

  • Western Launch - a transition program to help students thrive at western. Programs are offered throughout the summer and academic year.
  • 1-1 Course Advising (Formerly SAO) - appointments available June 17 – August 15 2024
  • Overnight Experience – stay in residence, meet other first year students, connect with upper year student leaders and learn what campus supports are available on campus. (July 19-20 2024 and August 9-10 2024)
  • SmartStart: Learning- self-guided series to help you develop learning skills and strategies (available anytime)
  • SmartStart: Academics - (running throughout August 2024)
  • Language in Culture Series (LinCS) - supports incoming international students become university level writers and achieve academic success (July 16-17 2024)
  • Leadership & Academic Mentorship Program (LAMP) – request an upper-year peer mentor from your faculty/program to provide academic and social support (continued support throughout first year and beyond)