Researcher - Kaitlynn Mendes
SSHRC Insight Grant DIY: Digital Safety
In today’s digital world, young people face unique challenges when it comes to managing their sexuality and sexual experiences online. It can be hard for them to find reliable guidance and support when dealing with online harms, like technology-facilitated sexual violence (TFSV). TFSV is an umbrella term that includes harmful practices like sexual name-calling, non-consensual sharing of intimate images, online harassment, up-skirting, cyberstalking, and doxing. TFSV is an urgent concern in Canada and around the world.
Parents, teachers, schools, youth organizations, community groups, tech companies, legal systems, and governments are all working to figure out how to help young people address TFSV and online harms. Unfortunately, there is often a lack specific, tangible, and evidence-informed strategies that take youth’s voices into consideration. It is crucial that the experiences and needs of young people inform these new approaches and interventions.
Digitally Informed Youth (DIY): Digital Safety aims to understand the educational, policy, and legal issues with TFSV across Canada and create resources that empower young people and help them stay safe online and in person.
SSHRC Insight Grant DIY: Digital Safety

Kaitlynn Mendes
Associate Professor,