Health and the Life Course

This area uses sociological approaches to understand health as a manifestation of broader structures of social inequality and student health and aging over the life course as a social process. Special attention if offered to the intersections of individual lives, social structures, and social change. Research includes examinations of cumulative advantage processes as mechanisms of health inequality, social mobility and trajectories of health, inequality in health behaviours and well-being, health professions, work and health, family ties and aging, trajectories of socioeconomic status and health from early life through old age, intimate partner violence, and Indigenous well-being.

Research Stories

Engaged Convergence Research: An Exploratory Approach to Heat Resilience in Mobile Homes

Due to climate change, extreme weather events are becoming more common, more severe, and are lasting longer. However, the impacts associated with these events are not evenly distributed across the population. Using the case of extreme heat, this research seeks to understand why residents of mobile homes are disproportionately likely to perish from indoor heat exposure relative to residents of other housing types.

View Lora Phillips' Project

Ethno-racial and nativity differences in the likelihood of living in affordable housing in Canada

Canadians are experiencing a housing affordability crisis, but little attention has been paid to its ethno-racial and nativity disparities. The study shows that Middle Eastern and North Africans (MENAs) are most, and Whites are least, likely to live in unaffordable housing.

View Kate Choi's Project

Faculty experts in Heath and the Life Course