Photo by Frank Neufeld
Kate H. Choi, Associate Professor
Director, Centre for Research on Social Inequality
Cross-listed with the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry
PhD, Sociology, University of California - Los Angeles
Kate H. Choi is a social demographer, inequality scholar, and quantitative sociologist. Her research examines the nature, determinants, and consequences of social inequality. Her work seeks to identify the social forces and structures that perpetuate racial and socioeconomic inequality. She has published extensively on the wellbeing and health of interracial couples and multiracial individuals. Her work empirically showing the vulnerability of marginalized communities in Canada to COVID-19 has received acclaim. She held an SSHRC Insight Development Grant on the impact of neighborhood contexts on residents’ wellbeing, including the spread of COVID-19, and holds an SSHRC Insight Grant for her project investigating the impact of COVID-19 on housing vulnerability in Canada. Her work has been published in prestigious journals including Demography, Journal of Marriage and Family, and International Migration Review. Her research has also been featured in major media outlets including the Financial Times, Los Angeles Times, San Francisco Chronicle, Associate Press, Toronto Star, and CBC. It is also being featured in SSHRC's "Real Insight. Real Impact. Real Purpose" campaign. Choi was awarded Western's Faculty Scholar Award in 2022 for her exceptional scholarly activities.
Areas of Specialization
- Social Demography
- Social Determinants of Health
- Social Inequality
- Family Sociology
- Racial Inequality
- Quantitative Methodology
Selected Publications
- Choi, Kate H. and Sagi Ramaj, In press. Ethno-racial and nativity differences in the likelihood of living in affordable housing in Canada. Housing Studies.
- Choi, Kate H. and Sagi Ramaj. In press. Trends in solo living among young adults in Canada. Population, Space, and Place.
- Choi, Kate H. and P. Denice. 2023. "Racial/Ethnic Variation in the Relationship Between Educational Assortative Mating and Wives' Income Trajectories" Demography 60(1): 227-254.
- Choi, Kate H. and Sagi Ramaj. 2023. Multigenerational living and children’s risk of living in unaffordable housing: differences by ethnicity and parents’ marital status. Journal of Ethnicity and Migration Studies 49(13): 3267-3288.
- Choi, Kate H. and Rachel E. Goldberg. 2021. "Multiracial Children's Experiences of Family Instability." Journal of Marriage and Family.
Contact Information
Dr. Kate Choi
Department of Sociology
Room 5331, Social Science Centre
- 519-661-2111 x85115
- fax: 519-661-3200
- kate.choi@uwo.ca