Mila Kolpashnikova, Assistant Professor
Ph.D. Sociology, UBC
Dr. Mila Kolpashnikova is an Assistant Professor at Western University with a Ph.D. in Sociology from UBC (2017). Her primary research interests are time use among older adults, gendered division of housework, and North American and East Asian societies. In 2023, Dr. Kolpashnikova was awarded the SSHRC Insight Grant for her work on the division of unpaid work among retired older adults. She is a former recipient of the VISTA Fellowship at York University, the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellowship at the University of Oxford (2019-2022), the Japanese Government Monbukagakusho Scholarship (2006-2011), and the Taiwan Government Fellowship (2018).
Areas of Specialization
- Time Use
- Gender Inequality
- Housework
- Fear of falling
Selected Publications
- Kolpashnikova, K., & Desai, S. (2023). Fear of falling: scoping review and topic analysis protocol. BMJ open, 13(2), e066652.
- Kan, M. Y., Zhou, M., Kolpashnikova, K., Hertog, E., Yoda, S., & Jun, J. (2022). Revisiting the Gender Revolution: Time on Paid Work, Domestic Work, and Total Work in East Asian and Western Societies 1985–2016. Gender & Society, 36(3), 368-396.
- Kolpashnikova, K., & Kan, M. Y. (2021). Gender gap in housework time: how much do individual resources actually matter? The Social Science Journal, 1-19. Online first.
- Kolpashnikova, K., Flood, S., Sullivan, O., Sayer, L., Hertog, E., Zhou, M., & Kan, M.-Y., Suh, J., and Gershuny, J. (2021). Exploring daily time-use patterns: ATUS-X data extractor and online diary visualization tool. PLOS One, 16(6), e0252843.
- Kolpashnikova, K., & Koike, E. T. (2021). Educational attainment and housework participation among Japanese, Taiwanese, and American women across adult life transitions. Asian Population Studies, 17(3), 266-284.
Contact Information
- Mila Kolpashnikova
Department of Sociology
Social Science Centre
The University of Western Ontario
London, Ontario, Canada, N6A 5C2 - kkolpash@uwo.ca
- Personal Website