Rachel Margolis, Professor
Ph.D. Demography and Sociology, University of Pennsylvania
Rachel Margolis ia a demographer and sociologist who studies how family dynamics shape population change over time. Her research on aging addresses how and why grandparenthood is changing over time, how family networks are evolving, and how the thinning of kinship networks affects older adults. She is also interested in gender, parenthood and social policy.
Areas of Specialization
- Demography
- Social inequality
- Family change
- Aging
Selected Publications
- Sheftel, Mara Getz, Rachel Margolis and Ashton Verdery. 2024. "Life Events and Loneliness Transitions Among Middle-Aged and Older Adults Around the World." Journal of Gerontology: Social Sciences. 79(1)
- Wu, Huijing, Rachel Margolis, Mara Getz Sheftel and Ashton M. Verdery. 2023. "The Care Gap in Late Life Among European Countries." Journal of Gerontology Social Sciences.
- Newmyer, Lauren, Ashton M. Verdery, Haowei Wang, and Rachel Margolis. 2022. "Population Aging, Demographic Metabolism, and the Rising Tide of Older Adult Loneliness Around the World." Population and Development Review. 48(3):829-862.
- Margolis, Rachel, Youjin Choi, Anders Holm, and Nirav Mehta. 2020. "The Effect of Expanded Parental Benefits on Union Dissolution." Journal of Marriage and Family 83(1): 191-208.
- Margolis, Rachel, Youjin Choi, Feng Hou, and Michael Haan. 2019. "Capturing trends in Canadian divorce in an era without vital statistics." Demographic Research 41(52): 1453-1478.
Contact Information
Rachel Margolis
Department of Sociology
Room 5326, Social Science Centre
- 519-661-2111 x82850
- fax: 519-661-3200
- rachel.margolis@uwo.ca