Photo by Rob Rombouts
Andrea Willson, Associate Professor
PhD, Sociology, Florida State University
Andrea Willson is a sociologist whose research is in the area of social inequality over the life course, particularly the role of long-term processes and cumulative experience on inequalities in health. Her recent research has investigated the impact of childhood disadvantage on adult health trajectories, the role of social mobility on health, and the transmission of health inequality across generations.
Areas of Specialization
- Social inequality over the life course
- Aging and the life course
- Health effects of socioeconomic status across generations
- Quantitative research
Selected Publications
- Shuey, Kim M., Andrea E. Willson, and Travis Hackshaw. 2020. "Family Structure and Parents’ Health: Implications for the Reproduction of Health Inequality across Generations ." Journal of Family Issues DOI: 10.1177/0192513X20946350.
- Heidinger, Loanna S. and Andrea E. Willson. 2019. "The Childhood Roots of Adult Psychological Distress: Interdisciplinary Perspectives Toward a Better Understanding of Exposure to Cumulative Childhood Adversity." Child Abuse & Neglect 97(2019): 104136.
- Willson, Andrea E. and Kim M. Shuey. 2018. "A Longitudinal Analysis of the Intergenerational Transmission of Health Inequality"." Journals of Gerontology. Series B: Psychological Sciences & Social Sciences 74(1): 181-191.
- Shuey, Kim M. and Andrea E. Willson. 2017. "Trajectories of Work Disability and Economic Insecurity Approaching Retirement." Journals of Gerontology. Series B: Psychological Sciences & Social Sciences 74(7): 1200-1210.
- Willson, Andrea E. and Kim M. Shuey. 2016. "Life Course Pathways of Economic Hardship and Mobility and Midlife Trajectories of Health." Journal of Health and Social Behavior 57(3): 407-22.
Contact Information
Dr. Andrea Willson
Department of Sociology
Room 5423, Social Science Centre
- 519-661-2111 ext. 85132
- fax: 519-661-3200
- willson@uwo.ca