Photo by Eric Simard
Charles G. Levine, Professor Emeritus
Ph.D University of Alberta Full CV
M.A. McMaster University
B.A. McMaster University
Dr. Levine's teaching specializations and research interests are in social psychology, ego development, critical theory and the history of sociological theory.
Current Research Projects
The Structure of Kohlberg's Stages of Moral Reasoning.
The rational reconstruction of identity theory: the role of normative justifications in theory and research.
The construction of a structural metaphor for Erikson’s conception of psycho-social development.Recent Teaching Awards
2009-10 USC Teaching Honour Roll Award of Excellence
2008-09 USC Teaching Honour Roll Award of Excellence
2007-08 USC Teaching Honour Roll Award of Excellence
2006-07 USC Teaching Honour Roll Award of Excellence
2006-07 Award of Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching
2005 - UWO Student Council Teaching Award
for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching
Select Publications
for more see Full CV
(2015) Identity Formation, Youth, and Development: A Simplified Approach , (with James E. Côté) Psychology Press.
(2002) Identity, Agency, and Culture: A Social Psychological Synthesis (with James Côté) Lawrence Earlbaum
Refereed Journal Publications
(2005) “What happened to agency? Some observations concerning the postmodern perspective on identity” Identity: an International Journal of Theory and Research 5(2):175-186.
(2003) “Introduction: structure, development, and identity formation” Identity: an International Journal of Theory and Research 3(3):191-195.
Thesis Supervision
Supervisory Status: MA, PhD
PhD Theses
Currently supervising Darren Rainhard, Needle in a Haystack: Searching for Evidence of the 'Epistemological Shift.'
Secil Erdogan, Identity Formation and Acculturation: The Case of Karen Refugees in London, Ontario. Supervisors: Chuck Levine and Jim Côté.
MA Theses
Jade Da Costa, An Examination of the Emergence of the Queer Figure in North American Culture Using a Queer Marxist Theoretical Framework.
Claire Henderson, Ascertaining the Impact of Relativism on Moral Reasoning.
Boon Teong Tng, Construct Validity of the Epistemological Shift.
Aaron Segaert, Identity, Alienation, and Agency in the University Context.
Derek McKay, Tensions between the Rational and the Conventional: Critical Reflections on the Methodology of Sociological Inquiry.
Patricia Pakvis, Exploring Ego Development and Moral Reasoning During the Identity Phase.
Lisa Jakubowski, Identity and Morality: The Theories of Kohlberg and Erikson.
MA Research Paper
Emma Wise, Finding Persons: The Construction of Sex, Gender, and Sexuality in Canadian Social Surveys.