Grad News Archives
Student Achievements
CONGRATULATIONS to Stephen Sartor, a PhD student in the department, on winning a Graduate Student Teaching Award of Excellence. See more.
CONGRATULATIONS to Bertina Lou, for her recent success in Undergraduate Awards competition. See more.
Eugena Kwon was in the top 25 SSHRC storytellers for this year's competition at Congress 2018. Watch her video: Examining the Role of Food Literacy in Shaping Immigrant Integration Experiences in Canada
Jennifer Silcox (PhD 2016) accepted an assistant professor position in the Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology at Dalhousie University starting in August 2016.
Nicole Etherington (PhD 2016) accepted a position as a Clinical Research Associate in Clinical Epidemiology and Knowledge Translation at the Ottawa Hospital Research Institute.
Lesley Bikos' doctoral research on women and policing was featured in London Free Press article Growing number of women police hasn’t yet dismantled ‘old boys’ club’ of officers on August 29, 2016, in National Post article Growing number of women on Canadian police forces no match for 'old boys' club' on August 30, 2016, and in Toronto Star article Female cops tell researcher that boys' club still persists on September 1, 2016.
March 2016 Congratulations to Laura Wright, who was named the 2015 Ellen Nilsen Sociology Graduate Student Award of Excellence recipient and to Nicole Etherington who was presented with the Centre for Population, Aging, and Health's annual essay award.
Laura Wright (PhD 2015) accepted a tenure-track position in the Department of Sociology at the University of Saskatchewan starting in July. Before completing her degree, Laura secured a SSHRC postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Alberta investigating the home-leaving trajectories of young adults in Canada.
Jinette Comeau (PhD 2015) accepted a postdoctoral fellowship at the Offord Centre for Child Studies in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioural Neurosciences at McMaster University.
Godfred Boateng (PhD 2015) accepted a postdoctoral fellowship in Maternal and Child Health and Nutrition in the Department of Population Medicine and Diagnostic Sciences at Cornell University.
August 2015 Natahnee Nuay Winder (PhD candidate) was named Yale's sixth Henry Roe Cloud Dissertation Writing Fellow.
Stoliker, B. E., & Lafreniere, K. D. 2015. The Influence of Perceived Stress, Loneliness, and Learning Burnout on University Students’ Educational Experience. College Student Journal 49(1): 146-160.
Huey, Laura, Joseph Varanese and Ryan Broll. 2015. “The Gray Cygnet Problem in Terrorism Research,” in Martin Bouchard (ed.) Radical and Connected: Social Networks, Terrorism, and Counter-Terrorism. London: Routledge. Pp. 34-47.
Etherington, N. & Baker, L. 2016. From “Buzzword” to Best Practice: Applying Intersectionality to Children Exposed to Intimate Partner Violence. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse. DOI: 10.1177/1524838016631128
Etherington, N. 2016. “Re-examining Gender Differences in Self-Rated Health: The Importance of Cohort.” Journal of Women & Aging 29(6). DOI 10.1080/08952841.2016.1108737
Etherington, N., Willson, A., Shuey, K. 2016. “Childhood Economic Hardship and Chronic Disease Onset in Midlife: A Gendered Process of Cumulative Disadvantage?” Longitudinal and Life Course Studies 7(1): 3-24.
Akkaymak, Guliz. 2015. “Neoliberal Ideology in the Primary School Social Studies Textbooks in Turkey.” Journal for Critical Education Policy Studies 12(3): 282-308.
Davidson, Cliff. 2015. “The University Corporatization Shift: A Longitudinal Analysis of University Admission Handbooks, 1980 to 2010.” Canadian Journal of Higher Education Revue canadienne d’enseignement supérieur 45(2):193–214.
Etherington, N., McDougall, J., Dewit, D., & Wright, V. 2015. “Maternal Factors and the Emotional and Behavioural Outcomes of Adolescents with Chronic Health Conditions.” Disability & Rehabilitation. Early online. DOI: 10.1007/s11482-014-9382-7
Baldwin, P., Evans, J., Etherington, N., Nichols, M., Wright, V., & McDougall, J. 2015. “A Qualitative Descriptive Study: Youth with Disabilities Talk about Spirituality.” The Qualitative Report 20(7): 941-958.
Adams, T. L. & Etherington, N.. 2015. “The Emergence of Naturopathy in Two Canadian provinces: British Columbia and Ontario 1920-1950.” Histoire sociale/ Social History 47(96): 215-244.
Etherington, N. 2015. “Race, Gender, and the Resources that Matter: An Investigation of Intersectionality and Health.” Women & Health 55(7): 754-777.
McDougall, J., Baldwin, P., Evans, J., Nichols, M., Etherington, N., & Wright, V. 2015. “Quality of Life and Self-Determination: Youth with Chronic Health Conditions Make the Connection.” Applied Research in Quality of Life. Early online. DOI: 10.1007/s11482-014-9382-7
Stoliker, B. E., & Lafreniere, K. D. 2015. The Influence of Perceived Stress, Loneliness, and Learning Burnout on University Students’ Educational Experience. College Student Journal, 49(1): 146-160.
Huey, Laura, Joseph Varanese and Ryan Broll. 2015. “The Gray Cygnet Problem in Terrorism Research,” in Martin Bouchard (ed.) Radical and Connected: Social Networks, Terrorism, and Counter-Terrorism. London: Routledge. Pp. 34-47.
Margolis, Rachel & Laura Wright. 2015. Better off Alone than with a Smoker: The influence of partner's smoking behavior in later life. Journal of Gerontology: Social Sciences. doi 10.1093/geronb/gbu220.
Boateng, G.O., Armah, F., Amoyaw, J.A., Kuuire, V.Z., Ung, M. & Luginaah, I. 2014. "Women Empowerment in the Context of Millennium Development Goal 3: A Case Study of Married Women in Ghana." Social Indicators Research 115(1):137–158.
Ung, M., Boateng, G.O., Armah, F., Amoyaw, J.A., Kuuire, V.Z., & Luginaah, I. 2014. "Negotiation of Safer Sex among Married Women in Cambodia: The Role of Women’s Autonomy." Journal of Biosocial Science 46(1):90-106.
Haight, M., Quan-Haase, A. & Corbett, B. 2014. Revisiting the digital divide in Canada: the impact of demographic factors on access to the internet, level of online activity, and social networking site usage. Information, Communication & Society 17(4): 503-519.
Whitehead, Paul C. and Kobayashi, Brenda. 2014. “Alcoholism and Other Social Problems in Canadian Aboriginal Communities: Policy Alternatives and Implications for Social Action,” in Trovato, Frank (ed.) Aboriginal Populations – Social, Demographic, and Epidemiological Perspectives, University of Alberta Press.
Miele, R. & J. Clarke. 2014. ‘We remain very much the second sex:’ The construction of prostate cancer in Popular News Magazines, 2000-2010. American Journal of Men’s Health 8(1).
Nonomura, Robert. 2014. Book Review: “Guyland: The perilous world where boys become men,” The McGill Sociological Review 4: 113-115.
Lehmann, Wolfgang, Alison Taylor & Laura Wright. 2014. Youth Apprenticeships in Canada: on their inferior status despite skilled labour shortages. Journal of Vocational Education and Training 66(4):572-589.
Birani, Aisha. 2013. “Fanon, the Arab Spring and the Myth of Liberation.” New Proposals: Journal of Marxism and Interdisciplinary Inquiry 6(1-2): 1-9.
Birani, Aisha and Wolfgang Lehmann. 2013. “Ethnicity as Social Capital: An Examination of First-Generation, Asian-Canadians in University.” International Studies in Sociology of Education 23(24): 281-297.
Etherington, N. 2013. “Widening Participation through Alternative Public Schools: A Canadian Example.” Sociological Research Online 18(2):12.
Etherington, N. 2013. “Educational Trajectories and Health over the Life Course: A Role for the DSBN Academy?” Canadian Graduate Journal of Sociology and Criminology 2(1): 5-19.
Murphy, Laura. 2013. “Sexual Assault in Canada: Gendered Expectations, Myths and Resistances.” In Images of Sociology 3rd Ed., Eds. Jerry White and Michael Carroll. Toronto, ON: Nelson Canada.
Wright, Laura, David Walters & David Zarifa. 2013. Government Student Loan Default: Differences between Graduates of the Liberal Arts and Applied Fields in Canadian Colleges and Universities. Canadian Review of Sociology 50(1):89-115.
News & Announcements
Thank you to the presenters, chairs, audience members, and organizers for making the 9th annual Sociology Graduate Student Conference such a success! Congratulations to Awish Aslam and Nicole Etherington, who received the 2016 Ellen Nilsen Sociology Graduate Student Award of Excellence, to Eugena Kwon who was presented with the Centre for Population, Aging, & Health's annual essay award, and to the students named as Western Sociology's 2017 Canadian Sociological Association outstanding graduating students (Sagi Ramaj, BA; Hillary Peladeau, MA; Nicole Etherington, PhD).