Other Funding
Ellen Nilsen Award of Excellence
Awarded annually to the outstanding graduate student in the Sociology program at Western, the Ellen Nilsen Award of Excellence honours the memory of one of our brightest and most beloved students.
Born in Montreal in 1963, Ellen was a graduate of London Central Secondary School and, in 1984, was awarded an Honours degree in Sociology at Western. At the time of her tragic death in December 1990, Ellen was an A student in the Sociology graduate program and was working toward the completion of her Master's degree.
Students who complete the M.A. or Ph.D. in the year under consideration may be considered for that year's award. The award consists of a presentation plaque, the inscription of the student's name on the wall plaque in the Department, and a cheque in the amount of $350.
The student must have achieved a minimum overall 80% average during the program. The graduate program assistant will supply the selection committee with a copy of the student's transcript. Consideration will be given for participation in professional associations, departmental and university committees, volunteer work and other involvement in the community.
A complete application should include:
- a current curriculum vitae
- a short statement from the student outlining his or her extracurricular contributions
- a recommendation from the student's thesis or research paper supervisor
- up to two more (optional) recommendations solicited by the student or supervisor and sent to the graduate program assistant
Department Travel Grant
The number of awards is determined by our graduate travel budget each year and the awards are approved on a first-come, first-served basis; therefore, students are encouraged to submit requests as early as possible (at the planning stage of the trip) by submitting a travel reimbursement request form to the graduate program assistant. Official receipts are required and amount is reimbursed after the conference has taken place. Please submit request form for initial approval (subject to approval and availability of department funds).
SOGS & GTA Union
- SOGS financial support (bursaries, loans, subsidies)
- GTA Union (PSAC610) member benefits (extended health plan, food support and resources, scholarships, financial assistance
Faculty of Social Science Graduate Research Awards Fund
The Faculty of Social Science Graduate Research Awards Fund (GRAF) is designed to support the costs of research undertaken by full-time graduate students enrolled in an approved graduate program leading to a research degree. Applicants must be engaged in doing research as part of their degree requirements to be eligible for a GRAF award. The Faculty of Social Science website provides details.