Sociology News
Postdoc Manfred Asuman was part of a team that published “Safety of Journalists from a Gendered Perspective: Evidence from Female Journalists in Ghana’s Rural and Peri-Urban Media” in Communitas.
Rachel Margolis, with colleagues, published “Losing a Grandparent Hurts Boys at School” in Scientific American.
Kaitlynn Mendes was interviewed by Western News “Schools aren’t addressing online sexual violence adequately, Western research finds.” She was also interviewed by the National.
Anna Zajacova was quoted in Pain News Network “Most Americans and Canadians use OTC Drugs and Self-Care for Pain Relief.”
Anna Zajacova was interviewed by Western News “More Americans than Canadians use alcohol to dull their pain: Study”
Kate Choi and Sagi Ramaj just published “Trends in solo living among young adults in Canada” in Population, Space and Place.
PhD Student Lindsay Finlay and Michael Haan published “The places we’ll go: How have rural residents changed over time?” in the Journal of Rural Studies.
Rachel Margolis was part of a team that published “Lost support, lost skills: Children's cognitive outcomes following grandparental death” in Social Science Research.
Kaitlynn Mendes was interviewed by the Toronto Star “Canada saw a record 90 youth homicides in 2022. Why these ‘worst case scenario’ incidents are a symptom of growing problems.”
Youjin Choi and Feng Hou published “Characteristics of postsecondary international students who did not enrol in publicly funded postsecondary education programs” Statistics Canada.
Michael Haan, Yuchen Li, and Lindsay Finlay published “Stay a While: the Retention of Immigrants in Rural Canada” in the Journal of International Migration and Integration.
Manfred Asuman and Alfred Appiah published “Social Media and Crisis Management during the Covid-19 Pandemic. An Analysis of the Twitter Activity of Five Key Ghanaian State Actors in the First Year of the Pandemic” in Vol 9. No 1. Of the Journal of Communication Media and Society.
Kate Choi published “Trends in solo living among young adults in Canada” in Population Space and Place.
Andrea Willson was part of a team that published “Social inequalities in trajectories of contacts with the healthcare system in adolescence and young adulthood” in Preventive Medicine.
Howard Ramos led the Canadian Statistics Advisory annual report The Way Forward: Addressing Challenges Facing the National Statistical System.
Kaitlynn Mendes was interviewed by CTV News – Hamas and Israel face off on the social media battleground.
Manfred Asuman published Book Review African Language Media in African journalism Studies.
Kamila Kolpashnikova with others, published “Fear of falling: Scoping review and topic analysis using natural language processing” in PLOS ONE.
Alumnus Molly-Gloria Patel and Anabel Quan-Haase published “The perspective of university students on the availability and effectiveness of cyberbullying prevention and response initiatives on campus: Virtual semistructured interviews on resources, barriers, and solutions” in the Journal of Educational Research and Practice.
Howard Ramos recently published The Value of Normative Models for Understanding Pluralism in Nationalism and Ethnic Politics.
PhD Student Lorna Ferguson and Laura Huey were part of a team that published “It's frustrating … I didn’t join to sit behind a desk”: Police paperwork as a source of organizational stress” in he International Journal of Police Science and Management.
Howard Ramos spoke with the Local News Data Hub whose story got picked up by Canadian Press on differences in income inequality across Canada’s cities.
Kate Choi was interviewed by Globel News on Births sharply declined in 2022 amid Covid-19 pandemic, Statistics Canada data shows.
Former Postdoc Huijing Wu and Rachel Margolis led a team that published on “The Care Gap in Later Life Across European Countries” in The Journals of Gerontology Series B.
Tracey Adams was part of a team that published “Place matters”: Midwives’ interprofessional relations in rural and urban institutional contexts” in SSM - Qualitative Research in Health.
Howard Ramos published a commentary on “Uncritical sociology: Canadian sociology at the crossroads?” in the Candian Review of Sociology.
Phd Aluma Shahar Dangur-Levy, Bob Andersen and Anders Holm published “Sources of mathematics self-efficacy: The interactive role of parental education and perceptions of teachers” in the Canadian Review of Sociology.
Kate Choi published “The rise of the childless singe in South Korea” in the Journal of Family Theory & Review.
Kaitlynn Mendes, William Hollingshead, Anabel Quan-Haase and others published “The Evolution of #MeToo: A Comparative Analysis of Vernacular Practice Over Time and Across Languages” in Social Media + Society.
Scott Schaffer contributed a chapter on theorizing to the new edition of John Steckley’s Elements of Sociology: A Critical Canadian Introduction.
Kaitlynn Mendes published book chapter “Digital Feminist Activism Against Gender Violence in South Korea’, in the Routledge Companion to Gender, Media, and Violence.
Kate Choi and Sagi Ramaj published an article on Multigenerational Living: A Strategy to Cope with Unaffordable Housing in Everything Zoomer.
Howard Ramos was interviewed by the Toronto Star on changes in how provinces select newcomers through their nominations programs.
Phd student Estefania Reyes and Kaitlynn Mendes were part of a team that published Young people need more support coping with online sexual harms in The Conversation.
Rachel Margolis was part of a team that published on “Maternal Labor Force Participation During the Child’s First Year and Later Separation Anxiety Symptoms” in Health Education and Behavior.
Tracey Adams published “The Changing Nature of Profession-State Relations in Canada: The Persistence of Self-Regulation in the Context of Reform, 1960–2010” in Professionalism and Social Change.
Laura Huey was part of a team that published “It's frustrating … I didn’t join to sit behind a desk”: Police paperwork as a source of organizational stress” in the International Journal of Police Science and Management.
PhD Student Maria Ahmed is featured in the Inspiring Minds Showcase.
PhD Student Matthew Stackhouse led a team, with Howard Ramos, that published “Perceptions of local environment change and ecological habitus” in Environmental Sociology.
Anders Holm was part of a group that published What cultural hierarchy? Cultural tastes, status and inequality in the British Journal of Sociology.
Tracy Adams was a guest editor of the Journal of Applied Behavioral Sciences for an issue titled From Near and Far: On the Role of Distance in Changing Professional Services.
Michael Haan was interviewed by The Toronto Observer on the housing shortage, mayoral candidates see the need for better solutions
Howard Ramos was interviewed by Canadian Press about conservative voters less likely to say they’re proud to be Canadian, survey suggests. He also was interviewed by the Toronto Star on immigration and public opinion.
Anabel Quan-Haase was interviewed by CityNews Kitchener – Meta's ‘Threads’ may notbe the Twitter killer some have suggested
Postdoctoral researcher Manfred Asuman published book chapter “Livelihood Improvement Through Participatory Mass Communications: A Study on Community Radio and the Lives of Women in Northern Ghana” in Indigenous African Language Media.
Tracey Adams was part of a team that edited a special issue on “From Near and Far: On the Role of Distance in Changing Professional Services” in The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science.
Anders Holm led a team, including Bob Anderson, that published “Lagged Dependent Variable Predictors, Classical Measurement Error, and Path Dependency: The Conditions Under Which Various Estimators are Appropriate” in Sociological Methods and Research.
Kate Choi was part of a discussion with Alan Shepard and Eric Arts on equity issues and the pandemic. She met with the Speaker of the House Anthony Rota and other Parliamentarians on Parliament Hill to showcase the impact of her SSHRC-funded research.
Anders Holm published “Lagged Dependent Variable Predictors, Classical Measurement Error, and Path Dependency: The Conditions Under Which Various Estimators are Appropriate” in Sage Publishing and Sociological Methods & Research.
Kaitlynn Mendes co-authored a report that was published as part of a SSHRC grant - “Technology-Facilitated Gender-Based Violence Among Young People: Synthesizing the Research to Promote Digital Safety in Canada. Ottawa: SSHRC & WAGE
Michael Haan was interviewed by CBC News about the release of the 1931 census and spoke with the why many new immigrants are leavinng Canada . Masters Alumnus Georgina Chuatico, Michael Haan with PhD student Lindsay Finlay and others published Forms of Capital in the Economic Integration of Immigrants in Canada in the Journal of International Migration and Integration.
Kaitlynn Mendes co-wrote “#ButNotMaternity: Analysing Instagram posts of reproductive politics under pandemic crisis” in the European Journal of Cultural Studies.
Patrick Denice co-authored The law vs. salary secrecy: Why the age-old taboo against revealing your salary is proving impossible to break in Business Insider.
Anna Zajacova’s research was published in HealthDay - Chronic Pain Disparity Seen Among Some Sexual Minority Populations, The Buffalo News, and The Suburban
Kaitlynn Mendes was interviewed by CBC, CBC London Morning and The Morning Show on Newstalk 1290. She was also featured in Western’s News.
Anabel Quan-Haase had a conversation with Shaye Ganam 630 CHED and 770 CHQR discussing Meta’s decision to block news in Canada.
Howard Ramos was interviewed by CityNews – Alberta mailbox letters causing a stir
Laura Huey published “The ethics of using deception to gain institutional access” in an edited collection on Ethical Dilemmas in International Criminological Research.
Anna Zajacova’s research was published in Research2Reality - Everybody Hurts… But Some More Than Others
Kaitlynn Mendes was quoted in the two London Free Press articles - Are pandemic lockdowns, isolation fuelling increase in school violence? AND We need to talk about online sexual harassment of young people: Expert
Kaitlynn Mendes spoke about the Royal Family on The Bill Kelly Show on 900CHML and CP24 (Part 1) (Part 2).
Kaitlynn Mendes spoke with Chlesea on 630 CHED - Sharing intimate images without consent may soon land you on sex offender list
Howard Ramos was part of a team that published on “Supporting research communications in challenging times” in Academic Matters.
Anabel Quan-Haase did interviews about Twitter labelling CBC as “government-funded media” and the conflict between CBC and Elon Musk (speaking on 630AM and 750 City News
Anna Zajacova led a team that published “Chronic pain among U.S. sexual minority adults who identify as gay, lesbian, bisexual, or "something else" in PAIN.
Kaitlynn Mendes research on youth and social media during the pandemic was featured in a number of news outlets, including: CTV News, National Post, and City News. The Toronto Star, CP24 Breakfast, AM980, AM900 in Hamilton, and CBC London news also reported on her analysis and she joined CBC News Network and Moore in the Morning on Newstalk 1010 in Toronto.
Kate Choi published “The rise of the childless single in South Korea” in the Journal of Family Theory & Review.
Rachel Margolis was part of a team that published “The Changing Demography of Late-Life Family Caregiving: A Research Agenda to Understand Future Care Networks for An Aging U.S. Population” in The Gerontologist.
Laura Huey published a chapter on “Gaining little things and losing big things: The ethics of using deception to gain institutional access” in an edited collection on Ethical Dilemmas in International Criminological Research.
Anna Zajacova’s research on LGBTQ+ adults higher rates of pain was featured in Western News.
Tracey Adams was quoted in the Globe and Mail on how women surgeons are treated from the operating room to hospital boardroom, women surgeons aren’t treated equally.
Howard Ramos offered insights on the changing demographics of Canadian professors in University Affairs.
Kate Choi and Yue Qian published Differences in occupational homogamy by race, ethnicity, and national origin: A social mobility strategy for Asian Americans in Demographic Research.
Rachel Margolis was part of a team that publish “The Changing Demography of Late-Life Family Caregiving: A Research Agenda to Understand Future Care Networks for An Aging U.S. Population” in the Gerentologist.
Anders Holm, with Richard Breen, published “Causal Mediation in Panel Data – Estimation Based on Difference in Differences” in SocArx.
Kate Choi and Sagi Ramaj were recently quoted in the London Free Press on their paper on housing strategies for young adults published in the Journal of Family Theory and Review.
Tracey Adams published “Professions, Knowledge, and Workplace Change: The Case of Canadian Engineers” in Professions and Proficiency.
Anders Holm was part of a team that published “What cultural hierarchy? Cultural tastes, status and inequality” in the British Journal of Sociology.
Laura Huey contributed to the Vulnerable Connections report by the Expert Panel on Public Safety in the Digital Age with the Council of Canadian Academics (CCA).
Anna Zajacova’s research on prescription opioid use in the U.S. was featured in Western News.
Kate Choi was interviewed on Shaye Ganam’s podcast about Canadian young adults who live alone and who are more likely to struggle with unaffordable house.
Kaity Mendes spoke with the Vancouver Sun about how social media algorithms can commodify and boost violent content.
Rachel Margolis spoke to the London Free Press about the Rise of ‘Kinless’ Canadians
Anna Zajacova was part of a team that published “A global comparative study of wealth-pain gradients: Investigating individual- and country-level associations” in Dialogues in Health.
Howard Ramos, with Suzanne Staggenborg, recently published Social Movements book with Oxford University Press. It is the 4th edition with significant updates and more international comparisons.
Laura Huey was part of a group that published “Receptivity to research in policing: Results from a survey of Canadian police professionals” in the International Journal of Police Science and Management.
Kaitlynn Mendes had published – Book Review: MeToo: The Impact of Rape Culture in the Media by Meenakshi Gigi Durham in The International Journal of Press/Politics
Kate Choi published “Canadian young adults who live alone are more likely to struggle with unaffordable housing, study find” in The Conversation.
Kate Choi was interviewed by Ben O’Hara-Byrne at Global News – A Little More Conversation with Ben O’Hara-Gyrne: Do we focus too much on negative news?
Michael Haan and PhD student Taylor Paul, with others, published “The Geographic Mobility of Journeypersons in Canada: Evidence from Administrative Data” in Population Research and Policy Review.
Laura Huey published “Gaining Little Things and Losing Bing Things: The Ethics of Using Deception to Gain Institutional Access” in an edited collection on the Ethical Dilemmas in International Criminological Research.
Kate Choi and Sagi Ramaj published “Multigenerational living and children’s risk of living in unaffordable housing: differences by ethnicity and parents’ marital status” in the Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies.
Kaitlynn Mendes joined seven CBC Radio programs, including CBC Ottawa Morning, to discuss The Intimate Image Protection Act.
Vesna Pajovic, Sean Waite with Nicole Denier, published “Sexual orientation and self-employment: New evidence” in the Canadian Review of Sociology.
Anna Zajacova led a team, including PhD student Merita Limani, published an article on “Prevalence and correlates of prescription opioid use among US adults, 2019–2020” in PLOS ONE.
Anders Holm is part of a team that have a forthcoming article, “What cultural hierarchy? Cultural tastes, status and inequality” set to be published in British Journal of Sociology.
Rachel Margolis was interviewed by the Ottawa Citizen - “All by ourselves: Growing numbers of Canadians are aging without a partner or children nearby
Rachel Margolis’ work was cited in the economist’s recent film “The cost of having children”. Myrskyla and Margolis 2014: Happiness Before and After the Kids
Anders Holm with others published Psychosocial working conditions and sickness absence among younger employees in Denmark: a register-based cohort study using job exposure matrices in the Scandinavian Journal of work, environment and health.
Kate Choi and Patrick Denice published The Pandemic played into ageist stereotypes, but intergenerational contact and co-operation can overcome them in The Conversation
Anders Holm, Michael Haan and Elena Draghici published “Employment success of social assistance recipients: A provincial analysis by industry” in the Canadian review of Sociology
Kate Choi’s article “Multigenerational living and children’s risk of living in unaffordable housing: differences by ethnicity and parents’ marital status” was recently published in the Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies (JEMS).
Kate Choi and Patrick Denice published “Racial/Ethnic Variation in the Relationship Between Educational Assortative Mating and Wives' Income Trajectories” in Demography.
Tracey Adams published “Drivers of regulatory reform in Canadian health professions: Institutional isomorphism in a shifting social context” in the Journal of Professions and Organization.
Laura Huey with PhD student Lorna Ferguson published “It’s all about covering your . . .”: The unintended consequences of police accountability measures” in Criminology and Criminal Justice.
Anabel Quan-Haase was part of a team that published Women-Focused Nonprofit Organizations and Their Use of Twitter During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Characterizing a Gendered Pandemic Through Information, Community, and Action in Social Media + Society
Kaitlynn Mendes was interviewed by the Globe and Mail - Toronto police investigate whether teen girls’ alleged subway assaults related to fatal stabbing
Kaitlynn Mendes spoke with 640 Toronto radio about young people struggling with social isolation after Covid
David Calnitsky just published “A Class Functionalist Theory of Race" in the Du Bois Review.
Anna Zajacova was part of a team that publish “U.S. state policy contexts and mortality of working-age adults" in PLOS ONE.
Jennifer Silcox spoke with CBC News, the National, and Canada Tonight about the case of Teen girls who were charged with murder in Toronto 'swarming' death.
Anabel Quan-Haase spoke with CBC Afternoon Drive about the amount of time people spend on their devices and how apps work to retain people’s attention.
Laura Huey discussed policing differences between Canada and the US on the Policy Matters podcast.
Kate Choi was interviewed with the Globe and Mail via Canadian Press on Canada’s population growth.
Howard Ramos spoke with Global News on Canada’s new immigration plan.
Anna Zajacova was part of a team that published “Educational Differences in Life Expectancies With and Without Pain” in the Journal of Gerontology: Series B.
Laura Huey led a group, including PhD candidate Lorna Ferguson, that published “You Don't Need 55 Forms That Say the Same Thing”: The Burden on Police to Produce Extra-Institutional Knowledge in Crime and Delinquency.
Anabel Quan-Haase co-authored “The social-ecological model of cyberbullying: Digital media as a predominant ecology in the everyday lives of youth.”
Kaitlynn Mendes published a chapter entitled ‘Girls, News, and Public Cultures’, in The Routledge Companion to News and Journalism. 2nd edition
Rachel Margolis – radio interview with CBC London morning with Rebecca Zandbergen talking about London’s expected population growth and infrastructure needs.
Rachel Margolis – The New York Times “Who Will Care for ‘Kinless’ Seniors?”
Laura Huey was quoted in the London Free Press on the 15-year-old girl charged in London high school cafeteria stabbing
Patrick Denice has been named an External Affiliate at the Center for Studies in Demography and Ecology (CSDE) at the University of Washington.
PhD Alumni Molly Patel and Anabel A Quan-Haase published “The social-ecological model of cyberbullying: Digital media as a predominant ecology in the everyday lives of youth” in New Media and Society.
Tracey Adams and Kathleen Leslie published “Regulating for-profit virtual care in Canada: Implications for medical profession regulators and policy-makers" in Healthcare Management Forum.
Anna Zajacova and her research published in PAIN was featured in The London Free Press article “Western University study finds clear factor in chronic pain – race"
PhD graduate, Yvonne Asare-Bediako, was recently featured in the Inside Western story “New program provides leadership opportunities for Black students in the community”.
Dale Ballucci spoke with Western Gazette on why people are interested in serial killer media stories.
Michael Haan – London Free Press – How London got ‘on the map’ for immigration amid boom
Tracey Adams published “What is the Public Interest in Professional Regulation? Canadian Regulatory Leaders’ Views in a Context of Change” in Professions and Professionalism.
Kate Choi was part of a team that published “Ageism toward older adults during the COVID-19 pandemic: Intergenerational conflict and support” in the Journal of Social Issues.
Laura Huey was part of a group that published “Facebook is the Devil': Exploring Officer Perceptions of Cyber-based Harms Facing Youth in Rural and Remote Communities” in the International Journal of Rural Criminology.
Anna Zajacova was featured in the Western News article “Study provides a new understanding of pain disparities among racial groups in U.S.”
Anna Zajacova won an “Editor’s Choice” award from PAIN for her paper on “Beyond Black vs White: racial/ethnic disparities in chronic pain including Hispanic, Asian, Native American, and multiracial US adults.” The University of Buffalo offered an overview of the study.
Anabel Quan-Haase spoke about Elon Musk’s take over of Twitter 630CHED
Professor Emeritus Jerry White, quoted, in role as Chair of Vital Signs Global News and the London Free Press.
James Cote was interviewed for an article published on high school grade inflation for the Toronto Star that included data for Western recruitment - An explosion in a students grades are rising at gta high schools heres what it means for your kids.
Howard Ramos was interviewed by the Toronto Star – Census reveals immigrants nearly a quarter of Canada’s population, and fanning outside of the Big 3 cities
Kate Choi and Patrick Denice won an “Editor’s Choice” award from Demographic Research for their paper Stability and outcome of interracial cohabitation before and after transitions to marriage.
Howard Ramos – London Free Press – The London region is now more diverse than ever. Here’s why one family chose to move here
Michael Haan – CBC's The House with Catherine Cullen discussing the Federal Government’s decision to increase the number of immigrants to 500,000 people in 2025.