Laura Huey, Professor
Ph.D U. British Columbia Full CV
M.A. U. British Columbia
B.A. Hons. Simon Fraser U.
Recent Activities
My primary areas of current research, teaching and community service are in the fields of policing, mental health and countering violent extremism. When time permits I also work on issues of criminal victimization (particularly among socially and economically marginalized groups). I value the creation and mobilization of actionable research to inform policy, practice and/or to shape our understanding of important social phenomenon, and both my own projects, and those of my students, are centred on producing research that meets one or more of these criteria.
Among other activities, I am currently:
- the Director of the Canadian Society of Evidence Based Policing (a national network of researchers, police leaders/practitioners, policy-makers and emerging scholars with links to the UK, US and Australia/New Zealand chapters of SEBP);
- a Research Fellow with the London Police Service;
- a Senior Research Fellow with the Police Foundation ;
- a Member of the International Advisory Board, Police Executive Programme, Institute of Criminology, University of Cambridge
- a Collaborator with the International CyberCrime Research Centre, Simon Fraser University;
- a Member of the International Committee of the Policing Division, American Society of Criminologists;
- Research Collaborator with the Police Research Lab, Carleton University.
Teaching Philosophy
My teaching philosophy? Bringing the real world in.
Currently Teaching
- 4451F - 001 Policing and Society
- 4451G - 001 Policing and Society
- 9009B - 650 Evidence-Based Policy Making
- 9021A - 650 Qualitative Research Methods
Thesis Supervision
Supervisory Status: MA, PhD
PhD Theses
Lorna Ferguson (2019- )
Hina Kalyal (2015-2019)
Ryan Broll (2010-2015)
Hillary Peladeau (2016-)
Jacek Koziarski (2018- )
MA Theses
Larissa Kowalski (2019-)
Lorna Ferguson (2017-2019)
Felisha Lindsay (2017-2018)
Mathew Murray (2017-2018)
Aaron Mark (2017-2018)
Rachel Inch (2016-2017)
Eric Witmer (2015-2016)
Cindy Hohner (2015-2017)
Joseph Varanese (2014-2016)
Hillary Pelladeau (2014-2016)
Recent Publications (Past 5 Years)
for more see Full CV
(2021) Implementing Evidence-Based Research: A How-to Guide for Police Organizations. Policy Press (with Renée Mitchell, Hina Kalyal and Roger Pegram).
(2019) Evidence Based Policing: An Introduction to Key Ideas. Policy Press (with R. Mitchell).
(2018) Becoming Strong: Impoverished Women and the Struggle to Overcome Violence. University of Toronto Press (with R. Broll).
(2016) Adding Insult to Injury: (Mis)Treating Homeless Women in Our Mental Health System. Lynn Reinner (with R. Ricciardelli).
(2019) "‘@me if you need shout out’: Exploring Women’s Roles in Islamic State Twitter Networks" (with Rachel Inch and Hillary Peladeau) Studies in Conflict & Terrorism 42(5): 445-463.
(2019) "What does robbery really cost? An exploratory study into calculating costs and ‘hidden costs’ of policing opioid-related robbery offences" (with Aaron Mark and Andrew Whitford) International Journal of Police Science and Management 21(2): 116–129.
(2018) "Pioneers in Policing: Richard V. Ericson" Police Practice and Research 19(5): 505-510.
(2018) "‘If You’re Gonna Make a Decision, You Should Understand the Rationale’: Are Police Leadership Programs Preparing Canadian Police Leaders for Evidence-Based Policing?" (with Hina Kalyal, Hillary Peladeau and Felisha Lindsay) Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice pay086.
(2018) "‘If it’s not worth doing half-assed, then it’s not worth doing at all’: Police views as to why new strategy implementation fails" (with Hina Kalyal, Brittany Blaskovits & Craig Bennell) Police Practice and Research DOI: 10.1080/15614263.2018.1526687.
(2018) "A Canadian replication of Telep and Lum’s (2014) examination of police officers’ receptivity to empirical research" (with Brittany Blaskovits, Craig Bennell, Hina Kalyal, Thomas Walker and Shaela Javala) Policing and Society DOI: 10.1080/10439463.2018.1522315.
(2018) "‘There’s More Than One Right Path to the Destination': Does Degree Type Make a Difference in Police Recruiting?" (with H. Kalyal and H. Peladeau) Journal of Criminal Justice Education 29(3): 399-413.
(2018) "Six Deadly Sins: The Role of Academic Culture in Killing Potential Police-Academic Partnerships" (with Renee Mitchell) Police Science, the Journal of the Australia-New Zealand Society of Evidence Based Policing 3(1): 33-36.
(2017) "‘Every Time I Try to Get Out, I Get Pushed Back’: The Role of Violent Victimization in Women’s Experiences of Multiple Homelessness" (with R. Broll) Journal of Interpersonal Violence DOI: 10.1177/0886260517708405.
(2017) "To What Extent Do Canadian Police Professionals Believe that their Agencies are ‘Targeting, Testing, and Tracking’ New Policing Strategies and Programs?" (with Britany Blaskovits, Craig Bennell, Hina Kalyal and Thomas Walker) Police Practice and Research 18(6): 544-555.
(2017) "‘We Deal with Human Beings’: The Emotional Labour Aspects of Criminal Investigation" (with H. Kalyal) International Journal of Police Science and Management 19(3): 140-147.
(2017) "Policing ‘Domestic Disturbances’ in Small Towns and Rural Communities: Implications for Officer and Victim Safety" (with Rose Ricciardelli) Canadian Review of Sociology 54(2): 198-215.
(2017) "Policing Terrorism: Canadian Perspectives and Practices" (with R. Ricciardelli and C. Griffiths) Cahiers Politiestudies Jaargang 2017, 42. Aanpak van gewelddadige radicalisering, 1784-5300.
(2017) "Digilantism: An Analysis of Crowdsourcing and the Boston Marathon Bombings" (with J. Nhan and R. Broll) The British Journal of Criminology 57(2): 341-361.
(2017) "Replication and Reproduction in Canadian Policing Research: A Note" Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice (with C. Bennell) Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice 59(1): 123-138.
(2017) "Senior Officer and Recruiter Views on ‘Big Topics’ in Policing for New Recruits" (with Hina Kalyal and Hillary Peladeau) Journal of Community Safety and Well-being 2(3): 112-115.
(2017) "LEADS Agencies Canada: A New Program to Fix an Old Problem" Translational Criminology Fall 2017: 8-9.
(2017) "A Police Organization is No Laboratory: The Messy Side of Conducting Research in the Field" Police Science, the Journal of the Australia-New Zealand Society of Evidence Based Policing 2(1): 24-26.
(2016) "Austerity Policing's Imperative: Understanding the Drivers of Policing Activity in Canada" (with K. Cyr and R. Ricciardelli) International Journal of Police Science and Management 18(2): 133-139.
(2016) "Unearthing Hidden Keys: Why Pracademics are a Valuable (if Underutilized) Resource in Policing Research" (with Renée J. Mitchell) Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice 10(3): 300-307.
(2016) "There Is No Strength in Emotions: The Role of Street Enculturation in Influencing How Victimized Homeless Women Speak about Violence" Journal of Interpersonal Violence 31(10): 1817-1841.
(2016) "Quantifying Salient Concepts Discussed in Social Media Content: A Case Study Using Twitter Content Written by Radicalized Youth" (with Shadi Ghajar-Kosravi, Peter J. Kwantes and Natalia Derbentseva) Journal of Terrorism Research 7(2): 79-89.
(2016) "From Seeds to Orchards: Using Evidence-Based Policing to Address Canada’s Policing Research Needs" (with Rose Ricciardelli) Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice 58(1): 119-131.
(2016) "#IS_Fangirl: Exploring a New Role for Women in Terrorism” (with Eric Witmer) Contemporary Voices: St Andrews Journal of International Relations 7(1): 1–10.
(2016) "Harm-focused Policing" Journal of Community Safety and Well-being 1(3): 83-85.
(2015) "‘This Isn’t What I Signed Up For’: When police officer role expectations conflict with the realities of general duty police work in remote communities" (with Rose Ricciardelli) International Journal of Police Science and Management 17(3): 194-203.
(2015) "This is Not Your Mother’s Terrorism: Social Media, Online Radicalization and the Practice of Political Jamming" Journal of Terrorism Research 6(2): 1-16.
(2015) "'Just Being Mean to Somebody Isn't a Police Matter': Police Perspectives on Policing Cyber-bullying" (with R. Broll) Journal of School Violence 14(2): 155-176.
(2015) "'I Don’t Find it Sexy at All': Criminal Investigators' Views of Media Glamorization of Police 'Dirty Work'" (with Ryan Broll) Policing and Society 25(2): 236-247.
Chapters in books
(2015) "The Gray Cygnet Problem in Terrorism Research” (with J. Varanese and R. Broll) in M. Bouchard (ed.) Radical and Connected: Social Networks, Terrorism, and Counter-Terrorism. London: Routledge.
(2014) "Understanding Critical Criminology" in N. Boyd (ed.) Understanding Crime in Canada: An Introduction to Criminology Edmonton, AB.: Edmond Montgomery Publications.
Working papers/technical reports
(2016) "What One Might Expect: A Scoping Review of the Canadian Policing Research Literature."
(2016) "Cheering on the Jihad: Exploring Women's Participation in Pro-Jihadist Online Radical Milieus."
(2015) "The Importance of Reproduction in Evidence Based Policing: A Comment."
(2015) "No Sandwiches Here: Representations of Women in Dabiq and Inspire Magazines.” TSAS working papers series.
(2015) "‘Questions about Dawlah. DM me, plz.’ The Sock Puppet Problem in Online Terrorism Research” (with H. Kalyal)
(2014) "The Expert Panel on the Future of Canadian Policing Models (Beare, Dupont, Duxbury, Huey, et al.). Policing Canada in the 21st Century: New Policing for New Challenges. Ottawa, Ont. Council of Canadian Academies.
I'm working on several projects related to my main research area: evidence based policing.
Research and Teaching Networks
Canadian Society of Evidence Based Policing, Director
Smart Cybersecurity Network - Réseau Intégré sur la Cybersécurité (SERENE-RISC), co-PI
Centre International de Criminologie Comparée (Université de Montréal), Collaborateur
Contact Information
Dr. Laura Huey, Professor
Department of Sociology
Room 5213, Social Science Centre
- 519-661-2111 ext. 85151
- fax: 519-661-3200