Photo by Eric Simard
Tess Hooks, Lecturer
MA (Sociology), Cornell University
BA (Sociology), Ohio State University
Since 1989, I have taught various courses at the University of Western Ontario including: Introductory Sociology; Minorities; Work and Industry; Social Organization; Social Movements; Social Problems; Social Change; Social Inequality; Globalization; Feminist Theory and Methodology; Women and Work; Gender and Development; Class, Politics and the State; Men and Women in Society; Social Construction of Gender; and Advertising and Society.
Sociology Main Campus
- 2212B - 001 Women and Third World Development
- 2227A - 001 Social Change and Development
- 2228B - 650 Social Inequality in Canada
- 2228A - 001 Social Inequality in Canada
- 2229B - 001 Global Inequality
- 2242A - 001 Gender and Society
- 3341G - 001 The Social Construction of Gender
- 4487F - 001 Selected Topics in Sociology: MOTHERHOOD AND MOTHERING
Sociology - King's
2237-570 Social Change
Teaching Awards
2006-2007 Dean’s Honour Roll of Teaching, King’s University College
2000-2001 Dean’s Honour Roll of Teaching, Brescia College
Select Publications
2005 "Women in Canada: a century of struggle" (with Patrice Leclerc and Rod Beaujot) in Billson, Fluehr-Lobban, Female Well-Being: Towards a Global Theory of Social Change , University of Chicago Press
Contact Information
Tess Hooks
Department of Sociology
Room 5322, Social Science Centre
- 519-661-2111 x84611
- fax: 519-661-3200
- thooks@uwo.ca