Photo by Eric Simard
Michael E. Gardiner, Professor
D.Phil. York (UK)
M.A. U. Calgary
B.A. U. Calgary
Cross appointed to the Centre for the Study of Theory and Criticism , University of Western Ontario
In the News
13 Feb 2019 "Marie Kondo: Less is More?" The Gazette
7 Dec 2016 "Our growing fascination with boredom" University Affairs.
[ Transcript of Diane Peters interview with Michael E. Gardiner for this UA piece.]
Michael Gardiner is currently interested in theories of affect (especially boredom), the everyday, utopia, and dialogical social theory (the work of Mikhail Bakhtin in particular).
Current Research Projects
- 3362F - 001 Sociology of Utopia
- 4485F - 001 Selected Topics in Sociology: The Sociology of Climate Change
- 9005B - 650 Contemporary Social Theory
Thesis Supervision
Recent Publications (Past 5 Years)
(2020) Bakhtin in the Fullness of Time: Bakhtinian Theory and the Process of Social Education , Routledge.
(2017) Boredom Studies Reader: Frameworks and perspectives (ed. with Julian Jason Haladyn), Routledge.
(2016) Gündelik Hayat Eleştirileri , Heretik
(2013) Weak Messianism: Essays on Utopia and Everyday Life , Peter Lang.
Refereed Journal Publications
(2019) "A Tale of Two ’68s: The “Politics of Boredom” in France and Italy" Cultural Politics 15(3): 289-302.
(2018) "An Autonomist Marcuse?" Rethinking Marxism 30(2): 232-25.
(2017) "Critique of Accelerationism" Theory, Culture & Society 34(1): 29-52.
(2016) "Bakhtin in the fullness of time: Bakhtinian theory and the process of social education" (with Craig Brandist, Jayne White and Carl Mika) Educational Philosophy and Theory 2016: 1-5.
(2016) "Bakhtin, Boredom, and the 'Democratization of Skepticism'" The European Legacy 22(2): 163-184.
(2016) "Bakhtin and the ‘general intellect’" Educational Philosophy and Theory 2016: 1-16.
Book Chapters
(2018) "In Search of Lost Cheekiness: Bakhtin and Foucault as Neo-Cynics" in Slav N. Gratchev and Howard Mancing (eds.), Mikhail Bakhtin’s Heritage in Literature, Arts, and Psychology: Art and Answerability , Rowman & Littlefield
(2014) "Marxisme, modernitet og utopi" in Hverdagslivet Sociologier om det upåagtede , 2nd ed., Michael Hviid Jacobsen, Søren Kristiansen (red.), Køvenhavn: Hans Reitzels Forlag, 2014.
(2012) "The 'Dictatorship of the Eye': Henri Lefebvre on Vision, Space and Modernity" in Barry Sandywell and Ian Heywood (eds.) Handbook of Visual Culture , Oxford: Berg Publishers, 342-360.
(2012) "Phenomenology and its Shadow: Visuality in the Late Work of Merleau-Ponty" in Barry Sandywell and Ian Heywood (eds.) Handbook of Visual Culture , Oxford: Berg Publishers, 115-130.
Thesis Supervision
Supervisory Status: MA, PhD
PhD Theses
PhD Thesis Supervisory Committee Member for Cenk Saracoglu, Migration, Neoliberalism and Ethnicization: The Middle-Class Construction of Kurdish Migrants in Izmir, Turkey.PhD Examining Board Member for Helga Benediktsson, Cultural Opportunities and Social Movement Symbolic Strategies: The Knights of Labour and the American Federation of Labour as Meaning-Makers, 1880-1900.
MA Theses
Rory Davis, A Taste for Distinction: Food Representations in Popular Canadian Magazines.
Tony Puddephatt, Materiality, Discourse and Intersubjectivity: New Directions for a Constructivist Sociology of Science.
Victor Racz, The Notion of What is 'Objective' in the Works of Adorno.
MA Research Paper
Brendan Watts (jointly supervised with Anabel Quan-Haase), Capitalism Flies Through Space: A Marxist Analysis of Capitalist Ideology Within the Video Game Eve Online .
Centre for Theory and Criticism
Julian Haladyn, The Will to Boredom, PhD thesis, 2012
Jessica Reilly, Beyond the Spectacle: Rethinking Debord, MA thesis, 2009
Timothy August, The Edible Plebiscite, MA thesis, 2006
Petra Hroch, Puppet Masters: Aesthetics and Politics of the Marionnette, MA thesis, 2006
Carolyn Veldstra, Subversive Postmodern Humour in the Era of Its Impossibility, MA thesis, 2005
Contact Information
Dr. Michael Gardiner
Department of Sociology
Room 5424, Social Science Centre
- 519-661-2111 ext. 85139
- fax: 519-661-3200
- megardin@uwo.ca