Photo by Eric Simard
Ingrid Arnet Connidis, Professor
Ph.D. U. Toronto
B.A. UWO Personal Website
Dr. Connidis' primary research interest is family ties and aging. Her work on ambivalence in family ties has been applied to many aspects of family relationships over the life course. She has explored conceptual, research and policy issues related to the connection of family ties to larger social processes and structures including gender and class; gay and lesbian adults' ongoing relationships with their family of origin; sibling ties; and balancing work and family.
Current Research Projects
Family ties and aging
Recent Activities
July 19 10:30 Organizer and Chair of the Family Ties and Aging in Changing and Challenging Times session, hosted by RC11 Sociology of Aging, at the ISA World Congress of Sociology, Toronto
Nov. 8 presented "Studying the Gendered Experience of Intergenerational Relationships: Limitations and Opportunities" with Amanda E. Barnett at National Council on Family Relations 2018 Annual Conference in San Diego.
June 12 presented the keynote address "Who Counts as Family? Assessing Realities of Later Life" at the European Sociological Association RN13 Sociology of Family and Intimate Lives Interim Meeting, Kupio, Finland
June 14 presented "Studying Family Ties & Aging: Achievements and Challenges," at University of Tampere, Finland
In 2013 Ingrid Connidis was the inaugural co-recipient of the Wiley Alexis Walker Award, National Council on Family Relations, honouring the highly valued professional and personal contributions of Dr. Alexis Walker. The award recognizes influence on and contribution to the field of family studies and the best research in the field of family studies, for “Interview and memoir: Complementary narratives on the family ties of gay adults.” Journal of Family Theory & Review. 2012, 4:2:105-121.
At the 2012 annual conference of the Gerontological Society of America, held in November in San Diego, Ingrid Arnet Connidis was elected a Fellow "In recognition of outstanding achievement and exemplary contributions to the field of gerontology."
Recent Publications (Past 5 Years)
Chapters in books or monographs
(2016) "Sibling Relationships," in A. Goldberg (ed.), Sage Encyclopedia of LGBTQ Studies , Sage.
(2012) "Theoretical Directions for Studying Family Ties and Aging" pp. 35-60 in Rosemary Blieszner and Victoria Hilkevitch Bedford (eds.) Handbook on Families and Aging ABC Clio.
(2015) “Exploring Ambivalence in Family Ties: Progress and Prospects" Journal of Marriage and Family, 77(1):77-95 .
(2014) "Age Relations and Family Ties Over the Life Course: Spanning the Macro-Micro Divide" Research in Human Development.11:291-308
(2012) "Interview and Memoir: Complementary Narratives on the Family Ties of Gay Adults" Journal of Family Theory and Review 4(2):105-121. Winner of 2013 Wiley Alexis Walker Award, National Council on Family Relations.
Selected Presentations
"Commitment and Change: Constants in Family Ties over Time." Keynote Address. International Conference on Aging Families/Changing Families. International Sociological Association Committees on Aging and on Family. Syracuse, NY. USA. June 3-6. For more information, click here.
"Maintaining Otherness: The Study of Long-term Marriage and Partnerships Among Straight and Gay Couples." British Society of Gerontology, Southampton, UK, September 1-3.
“Part of the Family: The Long-term Ties of Gay and Lesbian Adults.” Barbara Pittard Payne Lectureship in Gerontology. Georgia State University. Atlanta, Georgia. March 13.
Invited Keynote Address. “Family Ties over the Life-Course: Spanning the Macro-Micro Divide?” Society for the Study of Human Development. 8 th Biennial Meeting. Rethinking
"Developmental Science across the Life Span/Life Course: Theory, Methods, and Applications." November 4, 2013. Fort Lauderdale, Florida.
“Age Relations, Intergenerational Ties and the Recession.” Presented at the International Symposium on Aging Families. University of Victoria. Victoria, B.C.
"Population Change and Life Course: Strategic Knowledge Cluster." June 3-4, 2013.
“Embedded in Families: Intergenerational & Sibling Ties of Gay & Lesbian Adults.” Gerontological Society of America. San Diego. November 16.
Thesis Supervision
Supervisory Status: MA, PhDPhD Theses
Stephen Lin (jointly supervised with Danièle Bélanger), Exploring Relationship Dynamics: The Care of Vietnamese Migrant Caregivers in Taiwanese Households.
John Rietschlin, Parents for Life: Negotiating Residential Arrangements for Adults with Developmental Disabilities
MA Theses
Lisa Kempston, Support Relations With Neighbours Among Older Adults: The Impact of Family Composition & Gender
Jacquelin Esbaugh, Friendship Support in Old Age: The Effect of Gender and Kin Availability
Lori Campbell, An Enduring Family Tie: The Impact of Marital Status on Sibling Relationships in Mid- and Later Life
Julie McMullin, The Composition of Social Participation Networks in Later Life: The Impact of Parental Status
Judith Rempel, Housing and Living Arrangements of the Elderly: A Profile and Analysis
Contact Information
- Dr. Ingrid Arnet Connidis
Department of Sociology
Room 5329, Social Science Centre
The University of Western Ontario
London, Ontario, Canada, N6A 5C2 - 519-661-3691
fax: 519-661-3200 - connidis@uwo.ca
- office hours
by appointment