Edward Bell, Professor
PhD, Sociology, McGill University
Edward Bell is a sociologist interested in the origins of political attitudes and behaviours, and in political movements. In addition to examining the traditional antecedents of political phenomena, such as class, gender, age, and ethnicity, his work seeks to integrate the notion of heritability into analyses of politics through the use of twin and family studies.
Areas of Specialization
- Political attitudes and behaviours
- Political sociology
- Political psychology
- Personality and politics
- Political movements
Selected Publications
- Edward Bell and Julie Aitken Schermer. (2023). "Finite disappointment, infinite hope? The association between political orientations and sources of hope." Current Research in Behavioral Sciences, 4.
- Edward Bell, Alan Bryman, and Steven Kleinknecht. (2022). Social Research Methods (Sixth Canadian Edition). Don Mills: Oxford University Press.
- Edward Bell, Christopher Marcin Kowalski, Philip Anthony Vernon, and Julie Aitken Schermer. (2021). “Political hearts of darkness: The Dark Triad as predictors of political orientations and interest in politics.” Behavioral Sciences, 11.
- Edward Bell, Christopher T. Dawes, Aaron Weinschenk, Rainer Riemann, and Christian Kandler. (2020). “Patterns and Sources of the Association between Intelligence, Party Identification, and Political Orientations.” Intelligence, 81.
- Aaron Weinschenk, Christopher Dawes, Christian Kandler, Edward Bell, and Rainer Riemann. (2019). “New Evidence on the Link Between Genes, Psychological Traits, and Political Engagement.” Politics and the Life Sciences, 38.
Contact Information
Edward Bell
Department of Sociology
Room 5322, Social Science Centre
- 519-661-2111 ext. 84611
- eabell@uwo.ca