Lorraine Davies, Associate Professor
Associate Vice-Provost (Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies)
PhD Sociology, Rutgers University
Lorraine Davies is currently on leave, serving as the Associate Vice-Provost (Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies) of Western University. She is a sociologist who investigates issues of family structure and personal relationships and their effects on the health and mental well-being of women over the lifecourse. Dr. Davies has published on intimate partner violence, welfare reform, and gender differences in feelings of control. In her current role, she is contributing to systemic change in graduate education related to professional development, rethinking the PhD, and graduate student wellness.
Areas of Specialization
- Social inequality
- Family structure and health
- Gender inequality and social policy
- Interpersonal relationships and well-being
- Gender and mental health
- Intimate partner violence
- Relationships over the lifecourse
Selected Publications
- Davies, Lorraine, Marilyn Ford-Gilboe, Andrea Willson, Colleen Varcoe, Judith Wuest, Jacquelyn Campbell, Kelly Scott-Storey. 2015. "Patterns of Cumulative Abuse among Female Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence: Links to Womens' Health and Socioeconomic Status." Violence Against Women 21(1): 30-48.
- Braimoh, Jessica and Lorraine Davies. 2014. "When ‘breast’ is no longer ‘best’: Post-partum constructions of infant-feeding in the hospital." Social Science & Medicine 123: 82-89.
- Alhalal, Eman Abdulmohsen, Marilyn Ford-Gilboe, Mickey Kerr, and Lorraine Davies. 2012. "Identifying Factors which Predict Women’s Inability to Maintain Separation from an Abusive Partner." Issues in Mental Health Nursing 33(12): 838-850.
- Comeau, Jinette and Lorraine Davies . 2012. "Patterns of depressive symptoms and antidepressant use among women survivors of intimate partner violence." Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology 47(9): 1527-1537.
- Ponic, Pamela, Colleen Varcoe, Lorraine Davies, Marilyn Ford-Gilboe, Judith Wuest, and Joanne Hammerton. 2011. "Leaving ≠ Moving: Housing Patterns of Women Who Have Left an Abusive Partner." Violence Against Women 17(12): 1576-1600.
Contact Information
Dr. Lorraine Davies,
Associate Vice-Provost
School of Graduate and Post-Doctoral Studies
Room 1N07 International and Graduate Affairs Building
The University of Western Ontario
London, Ontario N6A 3K7
- 519-661-2102
- ldavies@uwo.ca