Lorraine Davies, Associate Professor
Associate Vice-Provost, School of Graduate and Post-Doctoral Studies
Ph.D. Rutgers
Special Appointments and Honours
2013-present - Associate Vice-Provost, School of Graduate and Post-Doctoral Studies
2012-13 - Assistant Dean - Graduate Affairs, Social Science
2011-12 - Acting Associate Dean, Graduate Studies, Faculty of Social Science
2010-12 - Director of Graduate Studies, Department of Sociology
Co-Leader: Interdisciplinary Initiative in Population and Life Course Studies
2007-2008 Acting Director of Graduate Studies, Department of Sociology
Thesis Supervision
Supervisory Status: MA, PhD
PhD Theses
Jennifer Silcox, Representations of Youth Crime in Canada: A Feminist Criminological Analysis of Statistical Trends, National Canadian Newspapers, and Moral Panics (joint supervisor with Tracey Adams).
Currently supervising Michael Rooyakkers, Sexuality, Masculinity and Mental Health.
MA Theses
Eman Alhalal, Identifying Factors Which Predict Women's Inability to Maintain Separation from an Abusive Partner (School of Nursing, supervisory committee member).
Jason Novick, A Life Course Investigation of the Differences in Psychological Distress of Mothers by Family Structure Trajectories. Supervisors: Lorraine Davies and William Avison.
Gloria Lam, Self Esteem & Depression Among Mothers: An Examination of Reciprocal Effects.
Gale Cassidy, Gender Differences in Perceived Control Over Life.
MA Research Papers
Mark Niepage, Engaging With the Gay Agenda: Discussions of Gender and Sexuality Surrounding and Within the Ontario Health and Physical Education Curriculum.
Jinette Comeau, Depressive Symptoms and Patterns of Antidepressant Use Among Women Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence.
Kate Dunn, Engendering Motherhood: A Feminist Analysis of the Representation of Motherhood in Media Sources.
Jessica Braimoh, Unanticipated Moments: The Social Context of the Post-partum Hospital.
Recent Publications (Past 5 Years)
Book Chapters
(2010) "Social Class and Health Inequalities" (with Julie McMullin) in Staying Alive: Critical Perspectives on Health, Illness, and Health Care 2nd ed. Canadian Scholars Press
(2008) Family structure and mothers' mental health: A life course perspective on stability and change (with William Avison, Andrea Willson, and Kim Shuey) in Heather A. Turner and Scott Schieman (eds.) Stress Processes across the Life Course: Advances in Life Course Research vol.13 (pp. 233-255) New York: Elsevier.
Refereed Journal Publications
(2012) "Patterns of depressive symptoms and antidepressant use among women survivors of intimate partner violence" (with Jinette Comeau) Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology 47(9):1527-1537.
(2012) "Identifying Factors which Predict Women’s Inability to Maintain Separation from an Abusive Partner" (with Eman Alhalal, Marilyn Ford-Gilboe, Mickey Kerr) Issues in Mental Health Nursing 33(12):838-850.
(2011) "Patterns of Cumulative Abuse among Female Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence: Links to Womens' Health and Socioeconomic Status" (with Marilyn Ford-Gilboe, Andrea Willson, Colleen Varcoe and Judith Wuest) Violence Against Women 17(12):1576-1600.
(2011) "Leaving ≠ Moving: Housing Patterns of Women Who Have Left an Abusive Partner" (with Pamela Ponic, Colleen Varcoe, Judith Wuest and Marilyn Ford-Gilboe) Violence Against Women 17(12):1576-1600.
(2009) "Modelling the effects of intimate partner violence and access to resources on women's health in the early years after leaving an abusive partner" (with Marilyn Ford-Gilboe, Judith Wuest, Colleen Varcoe, Marilyn Merritt-Gray, Joanne Hammerton, Jacqueline Campbell, and Piotr Wilk) Social Science & Medicine, 68(6):1021-1029.
(2009) "Gender Inequality and Patterns of Abuse Post Leaving" (with Marilyn Ford-Gilboe and Joanne Hammerton) Journal of Family Violence 24(1):27-39.
Lorraine Davies studies the ways in which women negotiate socially constructed gender relations, how this plays out across the life course, and their implications for mental health. Currently her research focuses on interpersonal violence and women's mental health and on motherhood, infant feeding and women's well-being.
Current Research Projects
Long-Term Health Effects of Woman Abuse
Life Course Analysis of Family Structure, Stress and Mothers’ Mental Health
Infant Feeding and Mothering: A Longitudinal, Qualitative Examination
Contact Information
Dr. Lorraine Davies,
Associate Vice-Provost
School of Graduate and Post-Doctoral Studies
Room 1N07 International and Graduate Affairs Building
The University of Western Ontario
London, Ontario N6A 3K7
- 519-661-2102
- ldavies@uwo.ca