Part-Time Faculty
Kamma Andersen

- Sociology of Education
- Stratification
- Inequality
- Social Mobility
- Labour Market Inequality
Manfred Asuman

- Social Change
- Mass Media and Livelihoods
- Health Communication
- Critical Cultural Studies
- The Theory and Practice of Participatory Media
- Media Effects, Public Opinion and Participatory Movements.
519 661-2111 x80460
Personal Website
Melissa Elliott

- Gender, race, and class-based inequality
- Criminology,victimology, and deviance
- Social theory
- Social inclusion/exclusion
- Life course sociology
Shane Goodwin

- Social Epidemiology
- Quality of Life in Children Living with Chronic Illnesses
- Psychometrics and Survey Methodology
- Mental Health of Children and Youth
Daisy-Mae Hamelinck

- Health and Illness
- Social Change and Social Movements
- Cancer Research Development and Technology
- Identities and Narratives
Lyn Hoang
- The legitimation of social media and internet based occupations
- Work and Occupations
- The perpetuation of social Inequality online
- Life Course
Stephen Lin

- Sociology of Aging & Life Course Studies
- International Migration
- Gender & Family Elder Care
- Social Inequalities
Office Hours: By Appointment
Taylor Paul

- Inequality in labour markets
- Social stratification
- Gender and racial stratification
- Quantitative research methods
Suzanne Ricard
- Gender
- Deviance
- Race and ethnicity
- Framing analysis methodology
- Media studies
Office Hours: By Appointment
Amanda Zavitz-Gocan

- Sociological theory
- Gender, race and class inequality
- Media and ideology
- Social change and development
SSC 5209