Yoko Yoshida, in depth
Associate Professor

Biographical Information
Fluent in English and Japanese
- PhD, Sociology, McGill University 2008
- MA, Sociology, McGill University 1999
- BA, International Relations Studies, Tsuda College 1997
Career Highlights
Dr. Yoshida was recently made Associate Professor in the Department of Sociology, Western University. She came to us from Dalhousie University, where she was an Associate Professor in the Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology. Her leadership appointments at Dalhousie included serving as Undergraduate Program Coordinator of the Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology. In her early career, at Dalhousie University, she also served as Academic Director of the Atlantic Research Data Centre.
Dr. Yoshida has had leadership roles in the Canadian Population Society, as Vice-President (2018-20), Chair of the Student Paper Award Committee (2017-18), and Executive Board Councillor (2015-17). She also participates in other professional and academic organizations, including the Canadian Ethnic Studies Association, Canadian Sociological Association, and the Association of Canadian Studies. She has consulted professionally for Employment and Social Development Canada and Statistics Canada.
Dr. Yoshida focuses her research on immigration and social inequality. In her past research she has used social statistics to analyze economic inequality of immigrants in Canada, the role of family in immigration and settlement processes, economic and non-economic contributions of family class immigrants, and the multi-dimensionality of immigrants’ integration. Her current research focuses on analyzing the economic outcomes and retention of immigrants in Atlantic Canada, and the integration of refugee children and youth in Canada.
Current Projects/Grants
- Evaluating the Economic Outcomes and Retention of Immigrants to the Atlantic Canada
SSRHC Insight Grant | Yoko Yoshida (PI) - Canadian Refugee child, Youth and Family Research Coalition: using research to inform best practices for language, literacy, learning, social integration and child and family wellbeing
SSHRC Partnership Grant | Yoko Yoshida (CI)
For past research, see full cv
Academic Knowledge Dissemination
- "Household conditions surrounding refugee children in Canada"
Nov. 11-12, 2019; German-Canadian Conference on Migration and Integration: Young (Forced) Migrants and Their Families, GESIS Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences at University Osnabrück; Yoko Yoshida - "Sociodemographic Trends, Economic Outcomes & Short Term Economic Impacts of Immigrants in Nova Scotia"
Oct. 23, 2019; Nova Scotia Immigration Research Roundtable; Yoko Yoshida | Jonathan Amoyaw - "Analyzing the Longitudinal Immigration Database (IMDB)"
Oct. 23, 2019; Canadian Research Data Centre Network: Preconference Workshop; Yoko Yoshida - "Why immigration is a solution, not a problem in Atlantic Canada: Beyond Us, Them, and Other"
Oct. 21, 2019; Canada Seminar at the Weatherhead Center for International Affairs, Harvard University; Yoko Yoshida | Howard Ramos - "Educational attainment & transition to adulthood of refugee children and youth in Canada"
April 5-9, 2019; American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting; Yoko Yoshida - "Who becomes a permanent resident and when? Examining international students’ transition to permanent residence in Canada"
Oct. 18-19, 2018; Canadian Research Data Centre Network (CRDCN) National Conference; Jonathan Amoyaw | Yoko Yoshida - "Transition to Adulthood of Child and Youth Immigrants to Canada"
Oct. 11-13, 2018; 25th Biennial Canadian Ethnic Studies Association Conference; Yoko Yoshida | Jonathan Amoyaw - "Retention or onward migration of temporary and permanent residents"
Oct. 11-13, 2018; 25th Biennial Canadian Ethnic Studies Association Conference; Michael Haan | Jonathan Amoyaw | Yoko Yoshida - "Patterns of temporary status and transition to permanent residency among international students"
Oct. 11-13, 2018; 25th Biennial Canadian Ethnic Studies Association Conference; Jonathan Amoyaw, Yoko Yoshida, Michael Haan - "Trajectories of economic outcomes and adulthood transition of refugee youth and children in Canada"
July 16, 2018; International Sociology Association World Congress 2018; Yoko Yoshida | Jonathan Amoyaw - Invited Keynote Panelist, "Examining the Retention Rates of Immigrants to Atlantic Canada”
June 14, 2018; International Conference: Immigration, the Dynamics of Identity, and Policies for Managing Diversity; Yoko Yoshida - "Examining the pathways to permanent residence and retention of international students"
May 30-31 2018; Canadian Population Society Annual Meeting 2018; Jonathan Amoyaw | Yoko Yoshida | Michael Haan - "Exploring the Transition to Adulthood of Immigrant and Refugee Children & Youths with the IMDB"
April 26- 28, 2018; Population Association of America 2018 Annual Meeting; Yoko Yoshida
For more, see full cv
Research Groups
- 3 book chapters
- 9 refereed articles
- 13 reports
- 1 book review
Book Chapters
- "Looking Beyond Labour Market Integration: Household conditions surrounding refugee children in Canada"
Yoko Yoshida | Jonathan Amoyaw
2020; Refugees in Canada and Germany: From Research to Policies and Practice ; GESIS Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences - "From Away, But Here to Stay? Trends in Out-migration Among a Cohort of Recent Immigrants to Atlantic Canada?"
Yoko Yoshida | Howard Ramos
2015; The Warmth of the Welcome: Is Atlantic Canada a Home Away from Home for Immigrants? ; Cape Breton University Press - "Destination Rural Canada: An Overview of Recent Immigrants to Rural Small Towns"
Yoko Yoshida | Howard Ramos
2012; Social Transformation in Rural Canada: Community, Cultures, and Collective Action ; UBC Press
Refereed Articles
- "Transition to Adulthood of Refugee and Immigrant Children in Canada"
2020; Applied Psycholinguistics; Yoko Yoshida | Jonathan Amoyaw - "Becoming Permanent: The Transition Characteristics of Temporary Foreign Workers to Permanent Residents in Canada"
2020; International Migration; Michael Haan | Yoko Yoshida | Jonathan Amoyaw | Natalie Iciaszczyk - "Cultural influences on parental responses to children's pain"
2018; Pain; Olof Kristjansdottir | Patrick J. McGrath | G. Allen Finley | Gudrun Kristjansdottir | Pulsuk Siripul | Sean P. Mackinnon | Yoko Yoshida
Editor's Choice - "How do the Economic Outcomes of Economic versus Family Sponsored Immigrants Compare?"
2016; Canadian Diversity; Yoko Yoshida | Howard Ramos | Madine VanderPlaat - "Does stewardship program participation influence Canadian farmer engagement in biodiversity-friendly farming practices?"
2015; Biodiversity and Conservation; Kate Goodale | Yoko Yoshida | Karen Beazley | Kate Sherren - "Summarizing Social Disparities in Health"
2013; MilBank Quarterly; Yukiko Asada | Yoko Yoshida | Alyce Whipp - "What do Sponsored Parents and Grandparents Contribute?"
2012; Canadian Ethnic Studies; Howard Ramos | Madine VanderPlaat | Yoko Yoshida - "The role of proximity to death in need-based approaches to health care"
2012; Health Policy; Yukiko Asada | George Kephart | Jeremiah Hurley | Yoko Yoshida | Andrea Smith | Stephen Bornstein - "Measuring and Mismeasuring Discrimination against Visible Minority Immigrants: The Role of Work Experience"
2008; Canadian Studies in Population; Yoko Yoshida | Michael R. Smith - <Inégalités salariales, mobilité salariale, et commerce international au Québec et en Ontario>/"Wage Inequality, Wage Mobility and International Trade in Quebec and in Ontario"
2005; Recherches sociographiques; Michael R. Smith | Michelle Hsieh | Yoko Yoshida - "Training and the Earnings of Immigrant Males: Evidence from the Canadian Workplace and Employee Survey"
2005; Social Science Quarterly; Yoko Yoshida | Michael R. Smith
- Socioeconomic Profiles, Economic Outcomes and Short-Term Economic Impacts of Immigrants in Nova Scotia
2019; Nova Scotia Office of Immigration; Yoko Yoshida | Jonathan Amoyaw - A Brief Overview of Demographic and Economic Profiles of Immigrant Taxfilers to Atlantic Canada
2017; Submitted to 42nd Parliament 1 Session (on Citizenship and Immigration) October 19th, 2017; Yoko Yoshida | Howard Ramos - Demographic and Economic Profiles of Immigrant Taxfilers to Atlantic Canada
2017; Perceptions of Change Project; Yoko Yoshida | Howard Ramos - Who are Recent Immigrants and What are their Economic Activities? An Analysis of Socio-Demographic Profiles and Economic Activities Across Immigration Categories"
2015; Pathways to Prosperity; Yoko Yoshida | Howard Ramos | Madine VanderPlaat | Gerry Mills | Nabiha Atallah - "Social Group Weighting for Bottom-up Summary Measures of Health Inequalities Phase I Project"
2011; Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF), Mobilizing Action toward Community Health (MATCH) at University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute; Yukiko Asada | Yoko Yoshida | Alyce Whipp - Why Do Recent Immigrants Leave Atlantic Canada?"
2011; Atlantic Metropolis Centre. Working Paper No. 32; Howard Ramos | Yoko Yoshida - "Why Do Recent Immigrants Leave Atlantic Canada?"
2011; Atlantic Metropolis Centre. Policy Brief; Howard Ramos | Yoko Yoshida - "The Role of Spouses and Children in the Decision to Settle or not to Settle into a Certain Community (Part I)"
2011; Citizenship and Immigration Canada; Yoko Yoshida | Howard Ramos | Madine VanderPlaat - "The Role of Spouses and Children in the Decision to Settle or not to Settle into a Certain Community. Part 2: Methodological Framework to Undertake Qualitative Analysis (part 2)"
2011; Citizenship and Immigration Canada; Madine VanderPlaat | Howard Ramos | Yoko Yoshida - "A Preliminary Investigation of the Contributions of Sponsored Parents and Grandparents in Canada"
2009; Atlantic Metropolis Centre, Working Paper No.25; Madine VanderPlaat | Howard Ramos | Yoko Yoshida - "Developing Better Supply Measures: From Provider to Population Ratios to Supply to Need Ratios"
2009; Canadian Institute for Health Information; Yukiko Asada | George Kephart | Yoko Yoshida | Jeremiah Hurley - "Environmental Scan for Data Related to Immigration"
2007; Atlantic Metropolis Centre; Yoko Yoshida - "Education, Training, and Earnings: What are the effects of immigration and visible minority status?"
2004; Human Resource Development Canada; Michael Smith | Yoko Yoshida
- Research Methods in Sociology
- Quantitative Methods
- Rethinking Culture and Class
- Immigration and Immigrant Integration
- Sociological Perspective
- Social Inequality
Currently Teaching
- 2206B - 001 Research Methods in Sociology
Graduate Supervision
- 1 PhD, Sociology and Social Anthropology
- 6 MA, Sociology and Social Anthropology
Public Sociology
“I aim to create dialogues between academic pursuits and problem solving for the communities ”
– Yoko Yoshida, "Yoshida focuses on Creating Dialogues between the Community and the Academic"
Public Policy and Community Engagement
- "Exploring the Pathways to Permanent Residency: The Role of Canadian experience on attraction and retention of immigrants"
Nov. 28, 2019; Migration and Ethnic Relations Speaker Series, Western University; Yoko Yoshida - "The IMDB – A Game Changer for Immigration Research"
Oct. 31-Nov. 1, 2019; Pathways to Prosperity 2019 National Conference; Yoko Yoshida - "Why immigration is a solution, not a problem in Atlantic Canada: Beyond Us, Them, and Other"
Oct. 21, 2019; Canada Seminar, Weatherhead Center for International Affairs, Harvard University; Yoko Yoshida | Howard Ramos - "Exploring Factors for Mobility of Immigrants to Smaller Cities: Case from Canadian Cities"
June 25-29, 2019; International Metropolis Conference; Yoko Yoshida - "Economic conditions surrounding refugee youth-children"
March 21-23, 2019; The National Metropolis Conference, Halifax; Yoko Yoshida | Jonathan Amoyaw - "Economic condition and Adulthood Transition of refugee children and youths"
March 21-23, 2019; The National Metropolis Conference, Halifax; Yoko Yoshida | Jonathan Amoyaw - "Trajectories of Adulthood Transition among Immigrant and Refugee Children and Youth in Canada"
March 21-23, 2019; The National Metropolis Conference, Halifax; Jonathan Amoyaw | Yoko Yoshida - "Patterns of Temporary Legal Status Transitions of Refugees Claimants in Canada"
March 21-23, 2019; The National Metropolis Conference; Luin Goldring | Jonathan Amoyaw | Yoko Yoshida - "Examining international students' transition to permanent residence in Canada"
Nov. 28, 2018; Research Matters at Immigration Refugees, and Citizenship Canada; Jonathan Amoyaw | Yoko Yoshida - "Adulthood transition of immigrant children in Canada: examining the status of entry"
Sept. 28, 2018; Metropolis North America; Yoko Yoshida - "Examining the Pattern of the Temporary Status Among the Recent Immigrants"
March 22-24, 2018; 20 th National Metropolis Conference; Jonathan Amoyaw | Yoko Yoshida | Michael Haan - "Examining the Retention Measures: Comparing the Destination-Based and Residence-Based Retention Rates"
March 22-24 th 2018; 20 th National Metropolis Conference; Yoko Yoshida | Jonathan Amoyaw | Michael Haan - "Exploring the Economic Outcomes and Well-Being of Refugee Children and Youth"
March 22-24 th 2018; 20 th National Metropolis Conference; Yoko Yoshida | Jonathan Amoyaw - Testimony RE report: "A Brief Overview of Demographic and Economic Profiles of Immigrant Taxfilers to Atlantic Canada"
Oct. 19, 2017; Standing Committee on Citizenship and Immigration, 42nd Parliament 1 Session, House of Commons, Canada ( transcript); Yoko Yoshida | Howard Ramos
For more, see full cv
Developing Researchers' Skills
Dr. Yoshida works to prepare the next generation of researchers to help the community. In the classroom, she brings in community partners and challenges students to apply their research skills to offer solutions to problems facing community stakeholders. In addition, she has organized and taught advanced research skills outside university classes:
- Organizer, "Regression with R" workshop
April 29, 2016; Dalhousie University - Organizer, "New Data Resources: Accessing the Administrative Data" ARDC information session
March 18, 2016; Dalhousie University - Primary instructor, "Intermediate STATA workshop"
2010-2016; Atlantic Research Data Centre - Co-instructor, "Introduction to STATA workshop"
2009-2016; Atlantic Research Data Centre - Session Organizer, "Innovation in Social Research: new Data, New Question, New Analytics"
June 2015; Canadian Sociological Association Annual Meeting - Organizer, "Aboriginal Data Tour" ARDC information session
Jan. 16, 2015; Dalhousie University - Session Organizer, "Innovation’ in Social Research: a New Era for Social Science Data?"
May 30, 2014; Brock University - Organizer, "The New Canadian Data and Exploring Research Potential" ARDC information session
Jan. 31, 2014; Dalhousie University - "Some Thoughts on Missing Observations"
April 6, 2010; Community Health and Epidemiology Department Seminar - "Pulling Hair with the NPHS: Merits and Nuisance of using Longitudinal Data"
March 2009; Atlantic Research Data Centre User’s Group; Yoko Yoshida | George Kephart | Yukiko Asada - "ABC to XY…on Handling Bootstrap Weights"
Nov. 2008; Atlantic Research Data Centre User’s Group; Yoko Yoshida | Sai Chua
In the Media
- Yoshida focuses on Creating Dialogues between the Community and the Academic
April 2, 2020; Western Social Science News - Newcomers find jobs, prosperity in Atlantic Canada – if they stay
April 29, 2018; The Conversation - Yoko Yoshida looks at the faces behind immigrant numbers
Nov. 9, 2016; University Affairs