Photo by Eric Simard
Jerry P. White, Professor Emeritus, Department of Sociology
Biographical Information
Ph.D. Sociology, McMaster University
M.A. Sociology, McMaster University
B.A. Hons Political Science and Economics, University of Saskatchewan
Professor Emeritus, Department of Sociology
Emeritus Editor in Chief, International Indigenous Policy Journal
Board Member: London Community Foundation
Chair/Editor Vital Signs: Be the Change https://www.bethechangelondon.ca/
Brief Bio
Jerry White is currently Professor Emeritus of Sociology, Director of the Aboriginal Policy Research Consortium (International) and Editor-in-Chief of the International Indigenous Policy Journal.
As a Professor and former Chair of the Department of Sociology he has held many posts at the University of Western Ontario including Acting Director of First Nation Studies, Senior Advisor to the Vice President and the Senate at Western. Jerry served on the Western’s Board of Governors and was President for Board of the Museum of Ontario Archeology. Over his career he has served on many public inquiries and Provincial boards including being the founding co-Chair of the Ontario Health Professions Regulatory Advisory Council.
Dr. White has won numerous teaching awards including the Pleva Professorship and has authored, co-authored and/or edited 22 books.
Teaching Awards
2001 Edward G. Pleva Award for Excellence in Teaching, University of Western Ontario
1998-99 Award of Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching, University of Western Ontario, Bank of Nova Scotia, Alumni Association and The University Students Council
Thesis Supervision
Supervisory Status: MA, PhD
PhD Theses
Currently supervising: Natahnee Winder, PhD Sociology in progress: The experience of indigenous Students in University and the impact of inter-generational Trauma: Canada and the US
Selected completed PhD supervisions:
Fatih Sekercioglu PhD Geography: How to Achieve Safe Water in Ontario’s Small Drinking Systems
Julie Peters, PhD Sociology: Issues in Aboriginal Education
Julie George, PhD Sociology: Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) and the Social Determinants of Aboriginal Peoples' Health: A Case Study of First Nations Women's Resilience, Resistance, and Renewal
Susan Wingert, PhD Sociology: Social Determinants of Mental Health and Well-Being among Aboriginal Peoples in Canada
Nicholas Spence, PhD Sociology: New Vistas on the Income Inequality-Health Debate
Sally Lindsay, PhD Sociology: The Role of Gender Within ‘Substitute’ Health Care Labour
Selected Masters Supervisions
Summer Thorpe, Faculty of Education MA: Making Indigenous Education Policy
Laura Murphy: Moving House: Urban Aboriginal Housing in Canada
Julie George: Elements of Effective Schooling for Canadian Aboriginal Students Attending Provincial and Band-Controlled Schools
Rena Bivens: The Road to War: Manufacturing Public Opinion in Support of U.S. Foreign Policy Goals
Jennifer Beales: Pharmacy Student Attitudes to Their Professionalization
Douglas Enright: The Conceptualization and Operationalization of Social Capital
Erin O'Sullivan: Aboriginal Language Use and Socioeconomic Status
Michael Stevenson: Habermas and Lyotard on Justice and Consensus
Jennifer Hoffman: Moral Panics and the Strengthening of Hegemony: The Deficit and Debt 'Crisis' in Canada
Julie Harnish: Hospital Restructuring in Ontario: The London Experience
Bob Nikolopoulos: The State and Labour Law: Union Certification Under Bill 40 and Bill 7
Jen Elgie: Aboriginal Specific Services as Promoting Community and Cultural Resiliency: An Analysis of Abbey House, a Supportive Transitional Housing Organization for Aboriginal Women
Katherine Capone: Examining the Association Between Aboriginal Language Skills and Well-being in First Nations Communities
Select Publications
for more see Full CV
Articles in Refereed Journals (last 6 years)
(2014) "Aboriginal Educational Attainment in Canada" (with Catherine Gordon) International Indigenous Policy Journal 5(3).
(2012) "Developing Oil and Gas Resources On or Near Indigenous Lands in Canada: An Overview of Laws, Treaties, Regulations and Agreements" (with Laura Wright) International Indigenous Policy Journal 3(2).
(2012) "Water and Indigenous Peoples: Canada’s Paradox" (with Laura Murphy and Nicholas Spence) International Indigenous Policy Journal 3(3).
Books (last 10 years):
(2013) ed. (with Michael Caroll) Images of Society: Readings That Inspire and Inform Sociology, 3rd Edition Nelson Education
(2011) ed. Urban Aboriginal Communities in Canada: Complexities, Challenges, and Opportunities (Peter Dinsdale, Jerry White, and Calvin Hanselmann eds.) Toronto: Thompson Educational Publishing
(2010) ed. Aboriginal Policy Research Vol 10: Voting, Governance and Politics (Jerry White, Julie Peters, Dan Beavon, and Peter Dinsdale eds.) Toronto: Thompson Educational Publishing.
(2010) ed. Aboriginal Policy Research Vol IX: Health and Well-being (Jerry White, Julie Peters, Peter Dinsdale, and Dan Beavon eds.) Toronto: Thompson Educational Publishing.
(2010) ed. Aboriginal Policy Research Vol VIII: Exploring the Urban Landscape (Jerry White, and Jody Bruhn eds.) Toronto: Thompson Educational Publishing.
(2010) ed. Aboriginal Policy Research: Vol VII: A History of Treaties and Policies (Jerry White, Erik Anderson, Jean-Pierre Morin, and Dan Beavon eds.) Toronto: Thompson Educational Press.
(2010) Introduction to Sociology: A Canadian Focus, 10th ed. (with W.E. Hewitt and James Teevan) Toronto: Pearson Education Canada
(2010) ed. Images of Society, 2nd ed. (Jerry White and Michael Carroll eds.) Toronto: Nelson.
(2009) ed. Aboriginal Education: Current Crisis and Future Alternatives (Jerry White, Julie Peters, Dan Beavon, and Nicholas Spence eds.) Toronto: Thompson Educational Publishing.
(2009) ed. Aboriginal Policy Research Vol VI: Learning, Technology, and Traditions (Jerry White, Julie Peters, Dan Beavon, and Peter Dinsdale eds.) Toronto: Thompson Educational Press.
(2008) ed. Aboriginal Well-Being: Canada’s Continuing Challenge (Jerry White, Dan Beavon, and Nicholas Spence eds.) Toronto: Thompson Educational Publishing.
Jerry White currently leads an international research program looking at the impact and benefits of development on or near Indigenous peoples territories in Northern Canada and Russian Siberia.
Current Research Projects
Vital Signs : An Assessment of London’s Trends in relation to Social Development Goals.
Social Determinants of Well-being for Aboriginal Communities in Canada
Research and Teaching Networks
Contact Information
- Dr. Jerry White
Department of Sociology
Room 5208, Social Science Centre
The University of Western Ontario
London, Ontario, Canada, N6A 5C2 - white@uwo.ca
- office hours
by appointment
Author / Editor of
Editor in Chief:

Senior International Editor: