Photo by Eric Simard
Wolfgang Lehmann, Professor
In the Media
Oct. 13, 2019 "Who is Canada's middle class?" CBC News
July 31, 2019 "What does 'middle class' really mean, anyway?" The Big Story
July 16, 2019 "What does it mean to be working class in Canada?" Macleans
Recent Activities
Mar. 2 chaired Work, Labour & Class Inequality session of the Sociology Graduate Student Conference
Ph.D Sociology, University of Alberta,
M.A. Adult Education, University of Toronto/OISE
MBA, City University of New York
Vordiplom, University of Mannheim
Special Appointments
Chair, Sociology (as of July 1, 2019)
Undergraduate Program Chair (2013-2019)
Teaching Awards
2014 University Student Council Teaching Honour Roll, Western University
2008 University Student Council Teaching Honour Roll, Western University
Currently Teaching
- 3307G - 002 Investigating the Social World: Qualitative Research
Thesis Supervision
Supervisory Status: MA, PhD
PhD Thesis
Alison Butler, PhD in Music Education; co-advisor with Dr. Ruth Wright (Charisma, Talent and Judgment in Music Education, in progress)
Beth Torrens, PhD Advisor (Sexual bullying in high school; in progress)
Cliff Davidson, PhD Advisor (Toward a New Definition of Student Success; in progress)
Mike Courey, PhD Advisor (2019 completed) Critical Urban Renewal: A Theoretical Construct and Case Study"
Aisha Birani, PhD Advisor (2017 completed) Toward an Inclusive Islamic Identity? A Study of First- and Second-Generation Muslims in Canada
Guliz Akkaymak, PhD Advisor (2016 completed) A Critical Examination of Immigrant Integration: Experiences of Immigrants from Turkey to Canada
MA Thesis
Emily Alexander, MA Thesis Advisor (completed April 2017) Physical and Digital Disengagement Behaviours in the University Classroom
Awish Aslam, MA Thesis Advisor (completed 2016) School–Work Transitions among Second-Generation Immigrants
Kate Blair, MA Thesis Advisor (completed August 2015) Looking to the Future: Considering the Educational Transitions of Deaf Youth in Ontario
Christina DeRoche, MA Thesis Supervisor (completed 2007) Stigma and Bureaucracy in a General Education Classroom: A Study of Inclusion
MA Research Papers
Brittany Kosir, Mentoring Youth: Effects of Participating in the Go Girls! Program
Elizabeth Torrens, Gendered Harassment and Education: A Content Analysis of the Ontario Ministry of Education and the Toronto District School Board Harassment Policies.
Angela Sutton, Factors Impacting the Success of First-Generation Students at an Ontario College: A Study of Student Participation, Retention and Academic Success.
Michelle Schoblocher, The Role Extracurricular Activities Play in Students' Academic Success
Nicole Etherington, Empowering Students or Molding the Middle Class?: A Content Analysis of the DSBN Academy
Aisha Birani, Ethnicity as Social Capital: An Examination of First-generation, Asian-Canadians in University
Tanya Farr, An Analysis of First-generation Students: The Transition from Post-secondary School to Work and Community Service-learning Programs.
Matthew Hayes, Self-Esteem and Educational Aspirations amongst Incoming University Students: A Gendered Analysis
Victoria Sit, Buying into the rhetoric: How political and economic discourses impact student consumerism
Suresh Kumar, The Language Policy in Public Schools of India: The Case of Tamil Nadu
Kristina Greenaway, I Know That I'm Gonna Have Success: Emerging Adulthood and Working-Class, First-Generation University Students
Richard Telfer, Narrativity and Class Consciousness: Working-class Students' Early Experiences of University
MA Area Papers
Dane Bourgard, Individuals, Morality, and Corporate Social Responsibility: Emphasizing the Role of Human Agency in Corporations
Katharina Wolff, The School to Work Transition: Applying various forms of capital to explain the employment outcomes of young university graduates
Dave Zarifa, Closed-Ended Agency for Young Canadians: A Critical Examination of the Contemporary School-to-Work Transitions Literature; and Mass Education or Mass Disengagement: A Review of the Credentialist Debate in the United States
Recent Publications
for more see Full CV
(2016) (ed.) Education and Society: Canadian Perspectives , Oxford University Press.
Book Chapters
(2019) "On the Marginal Status of Apprenticeships in Canada" pp 381-394 in M. Pilz, K. Breuing, and S. Schumann (eds) Berufsbildung zwischen Tradition und Moderne (Vocational Education between Tradition and Modernity), Springer.
(2017) "Labour Markets, Inequality, and the Future of Work" (with Tracey L. Adams) Chapter 6 in Edward Grabb, Jeffrey G. Reitz, and Monica Hwang (eds.), Social Inequality in Canada: Dimensions of Disadvantage , 6th ed., Oxford University Press
(2016) "Sociology of Education in Canada: History, Theory, and Research" in Wolfgang Lehmann (ed), Education and Society: Canadian Perspectives , Oxford University Press
(2016) “'They really drill it into you to go to university': Influences on working-class students’ decision to go to university" in A.E. Stich and C. Freie, The working classes and higher education: Inequality of access, opportunity and outcome , Routledge
Refereed Journal Publications
(2019) "Grill Guys and Drive-Thru Girls: Discourses of Gender in Young People's Part-time Work" (with L. Sheppard, R. Raby and R. Easterbrook) Journal of Childhood Studies 44(3):56-69.
(2019) "Forms of Capital in Working-Class Students' Transition from University to Employment" Journal of Education and Work 32(4): 347-359.
(2019) "'If you want to have a future and get a life, do an apprenticeship': The expectations and realities of tradesmen's transition to adulthood" (with Laura Wright and A. Taylor) Journal of Youth Studies DOI: 10.1080/13676261.2019.1636947.
(2018) "Reflections on using participant-generated, digital photo-elicitation in research with young Canadian workers" (with R. Raby, J. Helleiner and R. Easterbrook) International Journal of Qualitative Methods 17:1-10.
(2018) "'I'll be more prepared than most people’: Young people talking about their first jobs" (with R. Raby, J. Helleiner and R. Easterbrook) Childhood 25(2): 237-252.
(2018) "Research Note: Forms of Capital and Habitus in the Decision to Go on Academic Exchange" (with Holly Trower) Canadian Review of Sociology 55(1): 136-148.
(2017) "Strategic Escapes: Negotiating motivations of personal growth and instrumental benefits in the decision to study abroad" (with Holly Trower) British Educational Research Journal 43(2): 275-289.
(2015) "On the Role of Habitus and Field in Apprenticeships" (with Alison Taylor) Work, Employment and Society 29(4): 607-623.
(2015) "‘Go West Young Man’: Youth apprenticeship and opportunity structures in two Canadian provinces" (with Alison Taylor, and Zane Hamm) Journal of Education and Work 28(1): 44-65.
Dr. Lehmann specializes in the areas of work, education, and social inequality. His main research focus is on the interplay between structural factors and individual agency in school-work transitions. He is currently working on a SSHRC-funded research project investigating the experiences of first-generation, working-class university students.
Current Research Projects
First Jobs: Young People's Reflections on Very Early Paid Employment in Canada
The hard-working student: a Canadian study
The class of '73: a 46-year longitudinal follow-up study
Tracking High-school Apprentices: Expectations, Experiences and Outcomes
University and Low Socio-economic Status Students: Access, Experiences, and Class Identity
Developing ‘vocational habitus’: The experiences of high school apprentices
International Students as Future Citizens
Contact Information
Dr. Wolfgang Lehmann
Department of Sociology
Room 5430, Social Science Centre
- 519-661-2111 x85385
- fax: 519-661-3200
- wlehmann@uwo.ca